Still Love You (DenNor)

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"Jesus Christ, he is actually so annoying. He literally never shuts the fuck up or leaves me the hell alone goddamnit give me some fucking space." Huh? Who is Norge talking about? Wait, is someone harassing him? I bet it's his meanie boss! Probably burdening him with endless paperwork again, maybe I'll help out!

"Hey Nor-"

"He's not that bad, Lukas! Denmark really just needs attention and love, like Sealand. Well, except I'm not dating Sealand, thank Christmas. That would be a handful, Den is pretty clingy." Wait, what? Why would Finny mention dating Sealand? And I'm not clingy! Much! Tell him, Nor!

"Fucking hell, you're not kidding. He is literally the clingiest nation on the planet. The clingiest human on the planet. The clingiest living being on the planet! Christ, sometimes I wanna sew his fucking mouth shut, I can't believe I ever agreed to go out with him. Holy shit, I really regret it sometimes."



I swallow down the lump in my throat and leave the room. I hear Tino start to talk again, but I don't really want to hear anymore. Do I really piss Norge off that much?

Well obviously, dumbass. He wouldn't literally be complaining about every aspect of you if you didn't.

I'm going home. I might just stay there for a while. Hell, maybe I'll go visit Ameri-

Nevermind. If my own boyfriend can't stand me, that neither can my friends.

Wait, I have an idea! Norge complained about me being to clingy, so I'll give him some space! That way he won't hate me and we can go out again!

That'll work. I'll just chill at my place till then, I have enough stuff to keep me there for a few months. Maybe I'll even make an internet friend.


"-sometimes I wanna see his fucking mouth shut, I can't believe I ever agreed to go out with him. Holy shit, I really regret it sometimes."

"Oh, you don't mean that, Lukas. You really love him. You've been a lot happier since you two started dating."

"Hmph. I guess you're right... I'd just like a little space though, now and then."

"I get that, but not too much space. Matthias has a fragile heart, and you make him so happy. Having him sulk around like a kicked puppy because 'NorNor isn't paying attention to me' will just make it worse."

"I guess you're right. Maybe I can get him to shut up for a couple of hours if I agree to watch a Lego Ninjago marathon with him. See you later, Tino."

"By Lukas, have fun!"

To: Dickmark
From: Norway

Hey Dickmark, I'll watch that Lego show with you, if I have to. Meet me here at seven-ish, okay?

Well that's weird. It's been ten minutes, and he still hasn't replied. Usually he responds instantly. Maybe he's busy. Probably doing last minute paperwork, the dork. I'll text him tomorrow.


To: Dickmark
From: Norway

Are you even alive. It's been around a week.

To: Dickmark
From: Norway

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2016 ⏰

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