I'm Totally Not In Denial Shut Up (Fruk)

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Bloody hell, he was annoying. Totally, completely annoying. Not charming or sexy or any other bullshit, he was just aggravating.

I'm definitely not in denial, sod off. The stupid frog just won't stop bugging me with his stupid advances, and I don't even WANT to go out with him.

I'm only here to get him to leave me alone. It's not like he's adorable when he talks about cooking or fashion or love or anything. It's not. It's totally weird and he should be ashamed.

It's not like he's pretty with pretty hair shining in the sunlight or beautiful sparkling blue eyes or anything.

The only reason my heart ever beats all weird when he smiles at me is because my brain can't handle that much frogginess in one look.

No other reason.

Stupid asshole. Stupid, smug Frenchie. Fucker knows I've completely fallen for him, fuck.


If he complains about my cooking ONE TIME, the he will be frog legs at a buffet and Arthur Kirkland will have disappeared.

Fucking asshole. He probably just cursed me, or something.

I'm not in love.

Shut up, Francis.

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