Nightmare (Solangelo)

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Will POV

I shot up from my bed panting. I needed to see Nico. Now. I needed to know he was alive.

I got out of bed and quickly changed into a hoodie and shorts, then jogged to the Hades cabin. The whole time a thought of the terrible nightmare I had and prayed to the gods it was just a dream. It honestly terrified me.

I opened the door to the Hades cabin, letting the moonlight pour into the room. There wasn't much light, but there was enough to wake Nico.

"Will?" He said, in a husky voice. "What's wrong?"

I don't answer. I just walk over to the bed and sit on the edge. I am to shaken to talk, but at least I know he's alive.

"Nightmare?" He asks. I nod. "C'mere" he says, opening his arms. I crawl into him and hold him in my arms. "Want to talk about it?" He asks, after a few minutes. I don't move, but I start to talk.

"It was another war or something." I begin. "You had to shadow travel a bunch like last time, but this time it was more. By the time you arrived at camp, you were already fading. I was panicked. I took you to the infirmary, did as much as I could, but I couldn't save you. I was to late." I tell him.

He lifts my face and slowly swipes his thumbs across my cheeks. I didn't realize I was crying until now.

"Anything else?" He asks. He knows me well. "There was one thing you said, before you faded." I say, barely above a whisper. "You looked at me and said, 'you could have saved me' and then you faded completely." I finish. I start to sob. That has got to be one o my worst fears, loosing Nico and I. Being my fault. "Shh, shh, mi amore. I would never blame you, and I would never leave you like that." He says. I'm afraid, but for some reason, I believe him. I start to settle down. He kisses me softly, as if sealing the deal with a kiss. I kiss him back, and would like for it to go on longer, but I'm just so tired. He notices. "Go to sleep, Will." He says. "I will fight off any more nightmares you have. I love you." He promises. "I love you too." I say, before fading into oblivion.

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