Just a Dream

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I awoke with a gasp.

I look franticly at the other side of the bed. Newt isn't there. I start to panic, thinking it wasn't a dream, we didn't save him, Newt really is dead-

"NEWT! NEWT!" I scream. The bathroom door opens, and Newt comes running towards me.

"Tommy, it's fine, it was just a dream, I'm right here, I'm not leaving you. It's okay, Tommy." Newt reassures me. I take a deep breath. It's okay. Newt is here. He's not dead.

But I'm still overwhelmed with the memory. I start to to sob into Newt's shoulder. He holds me, gently pressing his lips to the top of my head.

"Shh, Tommy shh, I'm right here." He whispers. I try to block the memories out of my head. Newt was Crank, and had begged me to shoot him, because he knew how dangerous he was. I did. But for some reason, one of WICKED's crew, a woman, rushed down in a Berg right after and took him away, sobbing. We thought Newt was taken away, but they actually healed him. He returned to us in a Flat Trans around half a year later, when things had settled down.

It's been around 3 years now, but I still get the same nightmare almost every night.

"I'm sorry you have to put up with me every night, Newt." I whisper, barely audible. Newt pulls away, resting his forehead against mine and looking me in the eyes.

"I don't just put up with you, Tommy. I do this because I love you." He gently presses his lips against mine, and I kiss back. It's sweet, gentle. He pulls away and entwined his hand with mine.

"Go to sleep, Tommy. I'll be right here." He says. I nod, and lay down beside him, then slowly drift into oblivion.

Solangelo (WillxNico),  Malec (AlecxMagnus), and other gay ships ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now