Forever (Erisol)

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Eridan POV.

You wake up from your wonderful slumber, your previous night events coming to you quickly. You smirk, and turn around, hoping to give your wonderful matesprit some cuddles an-

He's on his fuckin husktop. Again. Oh my fuckin cod.

You just go up behind him, and poke him slightly. He does nofin.

You wrap your arms around his waist. He doesn't even fuckin blink. You huff in slight irritation, and gently brush your lips against the back of his neck, knowing he usually likes that.

"Eridan, fuck off. I'm goddamn buthy, and I don't have time for your thhit right now." You immediately pull away, hurting. Ouch. That stung. You decide that you will not bug him, as he clearly doesn't want anything to do with you. So you leave, quickly getting dressed, and head out of your shared hive.

You have no idea where you are going. You are just going. You keep walkin with your head down, and when you look back up, you realize you're at the beach. Of course.

You look out at the waves and sigh. You think of Sol's words. Does he just stay with you out of pity? Is this all some sort of sick prank?

"Too bad I can't drown." You mutter to yourself. Wwhatevver. You decide to go for a swim. You strip down to your boxers, then slowly wade into the cold water. It doesn't bother you. It feels nice, actually. You go in deeper and deeper, your gills and fins doing their thing.

Contrary to what you said a little while ago, you really love this feeling. It's so much better than normal breathing.

As you get deeper and deeper, you start to wonder how late it is. And when you check your waterproof watch, you discover that you have been here almost the whole day. Your first thought is to get out and go back home, but then Sol's words return to you.

'...I don't have time for your thhit...'

You sigh, your voice quavering. Maybe...maybe you should stay here for a bit.

You decide you will, and disappear to an underwater cave.


Sollux POV

You close your husktop, finally done for today. For the next week, actually. Now you'll have more time two spend with ED... You look on the bed. Where is he?

"ED?" You call. You look at your watch. Maybe he's watching TV...? You decide to head downstairs, looking for him.

He's not there.

"ED?" You call again. You search the whole house, looking for him. He's nowhere to be found.

'Why would he leave? Without a note or even telling me, especially." Your eyes widen as you remember what you to,d him this morning. Shit.

You text him, hoping to bee able to apologize. After you send your message, you hear a slight ding. You look up, only to see ED's phone. Fuck.

You are now starting to get a bit worried. You decide to call Fef, to see if he's with her. She says she isn't, and you start to panic.

'If I were ED, and I was feeling hurt or upset or some shit, where would I be?'

Then it hits you. The beach.

You practically run to the beach, hoping he didn't do anything stupid. You wouldn't want a repeat of that ever, ever again....

You arrive at the beach.

"ED?" You call, rather frantically. You see his clothes on the sandy floor.

"ED!" You yell, a little louder. You suddenly see a head pop out of the water.

"Umm..hey Sol...?" He kind of greets. You rush up to him, getting wet in the process, and press your lips to his, so fucking thankful he's ok. He pulls away rather quickly though, to fast for your taste.

He looks at you with a fairly sad expression.

"W-what are you doing here Sol? I thought you didn't really w-want to see me anymore.." He says, looking down.

You gently grab his chin, tilting up his face.

"I am tho, tho thorry ED. I'm fluthhed for you, and want you near me ath much ath poththible. I didn't mean what I thaid, I'm thorry..." You trail off, looking down, generally feeling like shit.

He leans up and presses his lips to yours, wrapping his arms around your neck. You kiss back eagerly, hoping to put all your passion and love in this one action. He pulls away, resting his forehead against yours, his eyes closed.

"It's okay Sol. I'm flushed for you too." He whispers, quickly pressing his lips to yours. You grin, overly happy for your beautiful matesprit.

"Forever?" You ask him.

You can feel him smile.

"Forevver." He agrees.

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