Gentle Caress

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Will POV

I blindly make my way towards the infirmary basement.

It's late at night, and my depression is hitting me hard. I failed to save a patient today. She was only 12. I tried, but in the end she died. She had been impaled by some sort of monster, and the wound was poisoned. I don't care that she was already half dead when she was brought to the infirmary. I failed to save her.

Another life I have indirectly taken.

I look, disgusted, at my hands. They're useless. Every other gift from Apollo I fail at, and the one gift I have, healing, is a failure as well. I can't do anything.

My hands start to drift toward the cupboard with all the needles in it. I haven't cut for a while, and I probably shouldn't start again.

But my useless hands have failed again.

I reach for a needle. Empty, no meds inside, but better than any razor. I pause just before the needle point touches my skin.

What would Nico say?

He would be disappointed, if he ever found out. If he truly cares for me, that is. Why would he? I'm obviously useless, a waste of space. He deserves someone better.

Ironic. Those were the words I he said to me when I convinced him to stop cutting himself. Maybe I should follow my own advice.

Maybe I should stop wasting space.

I make the first cut.

Useless, I can't do anything.

Keeping Nico from someone who deserves him. Another cut.

Not being able to save everyone. Another cut.

The list goes on and on until I can barely see my palm anymore. It stings too, because of all the salt my tears have mixed the blood with.

I deserve the pain.

I slowly reach towards the strongest liquid medicine down here. With shaking hands, I fill another needle with the medicine. I'm about to put it into my body, to let myself leave this life, do the world a favour...

When I hear the door creak open and a gasp.

Nico POV

I almost cry at the sight in front of me.

I see Will, hands covered in blood, about to inject Zeus knows what into his arm. I may not me a medic, but I know self-inflicted cuts when I see them.

He whirls around, dropping the needle and hiding his hands behind his back when he sees me.

"Will, why?" I ask, meaning to be stern, but it only comes out as a weak croak. New tears stream down his cheeks, as he slowly puts his hands in front of him. He looks at them in disgust, a little.

"I'm useless." Is all he says be fore he starts to sob. I rush over and hold him in my arms. He cries into my shoulder. I wait for a while, before a slowly come out of his embrace to put my fore head against his and hold his bleeding hands in mine. I think I know why he feels this way. I've seen him after he loses a patient, which has only happened twice as far as I know. He usually puts on a brave face for a while then disappears for a while.

Probably to do this.

I gently lean down, kissing each scar and cut, ignoring the blood and tears. His years slow, and I look into his eyes and start to speak.

"William Solace, you are not useless. You are perfect. Your hands are perfect too, because they are a part of you. You can't fix everyone, and that's okay. You heal so many people, including me. I was broken, shattered, and you took what was left of me and put me back together. Better than before. You are amazing and beautiful, and nothing will change that." I say, meaning every word. I feel a tear escape my eyes, I never want him to do this again.

"I love you, Nico." Will says.

"I love you too, Sunshine." I reply, pressing my lips to his.

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