My OTPs Meet (Solangelo and Malec) pt. 1

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Alec POV

I was giddy with excitement. Like, fangirl giddy. Magnus was taking me out, and he won't tell me where. I'm always excited when Magnus takes me out somewhere, but for some reason, I'm super excited for this one. I check he clock for the millionth time in the past hour. We're leaving soon, I'd better get ready.

A half hour later, I'm ready, and its time to go. I'm in the living room, waiting for Magnus. I pretty much live in his apartment now, so I don't have to live with my homophobic dad. Not that he lives with us anyway.

"Magnus, hurry the hell up already!" I shout. "You were supposed to be ready ten minutes ago!"

"Sorry darling, but you know my make up has to be perfect!" He calls in response.

"You don't need make up to look perfect!" I yell back. I'm taken aback by myself for a minute. Wow. Since when am I as good with compliments and romance stuff as Magnus?

He comes running out, and just stares at me for a second. Then he pushes me against the wall and pretty much starts a make out session. At first I want to push him away, we have to go or we'll lose he reservation to wherever he wants to take us, but then he bites my bottom lip and I melt into the kiss, completely forgetting about everything else.

Will POV

I'm taking Nico out tonight. He insists I don't have to, but I love him so much, so why not?

I'm taking him to McDonalds. It doesn't seem so great, but I know it's his favorite place in the whole world. Except for my bed, anyway. 'Stop it mind!" I mentally scold myself.

Anyway, I change my CHB T-shirt for something more mortal-ish, and head over to the Hades cabin to pick Nico up.

Magnus POV

Alec and I lost our reservation.

I was going to take him to a really amazing Italian restaurant a couple blocks away, but we got caught up in some, ah, activities, and lost our reservation. But I still wanted to go out.

We just starts walking around New York, wondering what where we should go.

"What about McDonalds?" I asked, completely out of ideas.

"What's McDonalds?" He asks. I gape at him.

"How do you not know what McDonalds is?" I ask, completely bewildered. He just shrugs.

"I've spent most of my life training, Magnus. I didn't get out much as a kid." He explains.

"No kidding." I mutter, under my breath. "Well, that's where we're going tonight." I decide. He shrugs again, and we set off.

Nico POV

Will is taking me to McDonalds!! Yay!

I hear a knock on my cabin door. I sprint and throw it open, and there is Will, grinning.

"Excited to see me?" He asks. I roll my eyes, but I'm still grinning, so it's not very convincing. And apparently, my smile is contagious, because he starts smiling too. I grab his hand.

"Before you ask," he says, " we will be walking, not shadow traveling." He finishes, a stern look on his face.

"Whatever, just hurry up already!" I exclaim, dragging Will behind me to Half Blood Hill, where we will leave. He laughs, probably finding me eagerness funny, but what can I say? I really like McDonalds!

Solangelo (WillxNico),  Malec (AlecxMagnus), and other gay ships ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now