Chapter 3

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Thanks everyone for the 126 reads. It really means a lot. I hope you enjoy the chapter. 😊


" Why are you here is not like you care?" he grabbed my hand as I was punching him and we both looked at each other in the eyes.

"I do care," he said and that make me freeze. All through my body froze in place. I can't even move an inch.

That is exactly what I would do if I could dig a hole and comfortably burrow in it for the rest of my days.

Why did I feel the need to bring up that kiss? Why?

Everything about that day at Rowoon's residence is still fresh in my mind.


We were in the Flashback, which stank of humidity and washing detergent. I was dressed in white shorts and a blue-and-white embroidered halter top that I stole from my sister's closet.

It was one of our first weekend and late-night boy-girl hangouts. That was strange as well because it felt planned. It's not the same as going to my other friend's house after school and finding neighbourhood lads hanging out with her twin brother. It's also not the same as heading to the mall arcade knowing we'd probably run into boys. On a Saturday night, I was planning a plan and was dropped off. There were no parents present, just us in the ultra-private basements.

Nothing remarkable happened, such as an impromptu game of spin the bottle or seven minutes in paradise, both of which we girls had prepared for with gum and lip gloss. All that happened was that the boys played video games while we girls sat on our phones and murmured to each other. Then people's mothers and fathers came to pick them up, which was incredibly disappointing after all of the planning and anticipation. Not because I disliked anyone, but because I enjoy romance and drama and was expecting something spectacular to happen to someone.

Something happened.

To me, of course!

Jackson and I were the last two persons to be picked up, so we were alone below. We had taken a seat on the couch. I started texting my dad, "Where are youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?" Jackson was on his phone, playing a game.

"Your hair smells like strawberries," he blurted out of nowhere.

We weren't even sitting that close together. "Really?" I asked. "Can you smell it from here?" He drew closer, sniffed, and nodded. "Yeah, that tastes like my favourite flavour," he responded.

"Thanks!" I stated. I wasn't sure if it was praise, but it seemed like enough to say thank you.

Then Jackson Wang leaned in and kissed me, and I was taken aback. Before that kiss, I'd never thought about him in that manner. He was far too attractive and smooth. He's not my type of guy at all. But he was all I could think about for months after he kissed me.

End of Flashback.

"Now please don't run away," Lay said and soften her grip from one of my hands.

"Umm, "I don't know what to say. I never felt like this before. Now all my crushes will face me. I don't if I could face it.

" Dare dare dare Jinah... I know this is embarrassing for you but I am here if you want a friend "he said as he wiped my tears gently.

Why are you so caring towards me Lay? I thought we hated each other.

Why are you helping me?


2 days since I transferred to this school. We had to have a lucky draw to see who are our partner was for our assignment. Please be Xiumin Please be Xiumin. I Chant to myself.

I walked up to the teacher. He was smiling and I smiled back. I took a piece of paper to see what the number is. It says "5".

I searched to see. I looked at everyone's number.

"Xiumin Oppa what number you had?" I asked curiously.

"10," he said showing his paper towards me.

My face became sad and unhappy. I wanted to be with him.

"Xiumin here I'm your partner," Soo Bin said waving at him and he smiled at her.

Soo Bin is his girlfriend. He said they had been dating for a week now. But some say they are fake.

" Let's see oh you got 5 well great " Lay hissed as he turned to me.

" Who says I want to be a partner with you Lay well it looks like the world is against me you just pathetic walnut" I hissed back and he come closer and closer until I can feel his breaths and my heart beating rapidly fast.

" Let's start today at 4 at the library don't be late Ice queen," he said as he went back to his seat and read his book.

End of Flashback.

" Jinah, Oh JInah are you there? " Lay got me back to my senses.

" U-Umm... Thank you "I thanked him and he wrapped his arms around me to comfort me.

" w-why did you help me? Last time I checked we were enemies? "I said as my voice was stuttering from all the crying.

" Well, Ice Queen it's the way of helping people from mistakes that they regret a lot... Well I won't be this nice to you again... You know that I hate you right? "he said so calmly and playfully. I know he was joking he means in a friendly argument right?

Is he being serious right now? I'm just curious as to why he hates me so much? Did I do something to piss him off? Maybe he is close with Soo Bin.

" Anyways I still want to help you find the culprit who did this if you did this for me...Here is my number. I will help you to find who did this. Think about it" he smirked.

What does he want me to do? Please be something that is easy.

" This, can you tell me why my name isn't on your diary explain, "he said showing his phone of my diary screenshots and emphasizing the explain part.

" Where is the explanation you just a plain walnut nothing special, "I said to argued back.

" Well Ice Queen I will make sure I will be someone that is important as all your past lovers I plan on it, "He said without saying goodbye and walked away.

What does he mean by that? Boys I don't understand them sometimes. 


What will happen next stay tune to find out. Comment and vote it means a lot.

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