Chapter 18

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I know it had been a while. I was busy. I will be updating twice a week from now on, so enjoy reading.


I got up early the next morning so that my sister could braid my hair. "Leave me alone," I whispers as she rolls onto my other side. "I'm sleeping."

"Can I please, please, please get a braid crown?" Squatting in front of her bed, I ask her.

“No. "All you need is a side braid."

My sister Minah braids my braid quickly, and then she falls back asleep, leaving me to sort out my clothes. 

People will notice me more now that Lay and I are officially married, so I should dress appropriately. I try on a polka-dot puffy-sleeved dress with stockings, but It doesn't look correct. Neither does my favourite sweater with the pom-poms.

Everything appears so childish all of a sudden. I finally decided on a simple blue laced top and thin jeans from a Japanese street fashion website, paired with ankle boots. It has a seventies London vibe to it.

Minah is waiting for me at the kitchen table in her jean jacket when I run downstairs at 7:25 a.m. "Why are you downstairs already?" I inquire.  

“I have work today, so I have to send you to school early. Remember and you have the school’s festival too?”

I run and look at the calendar on the refrigerator. There it is, in my handwriting: Jinah's Field Trip. Shoot.

“Just hurry, we might be late .” my sister said as I rush and picked a piece of bread. I went in the car and my sister drove to school.


As we reached the school, the stalls and people are busily setting their stuff at school. There were so many people coming and it was crowded.

"Thanks for the ride sis see you soon" I get up from my seat and wave my sister goodbye and walked towards the school's gate. 

"Boo!" Baekhyun scared me and I jumped from his sudden scare. 

"Baek! You scared me" I yelled playfully

"He is always like that" Eunji said and we all agreed. 

"Where's Lay?" I asked while we all were walking. 

"He's back stage practicing his dance performance" Baekhyun replied. We were heading there. 

This will be my first time witnessing his dance performance. He always said he love to dance when he was little. It was always been his dream. 


Few hours when through fast, as I was helping out my class getting things prepared for the talent competition. 30 minutes before the show starts and I saw a crowd of people lining up for the show. 

"Wow so many people came" I said with a surprise voice. 

"It's all because of Yi soo idea, If they got to buy a ticket free voucher for the cafe  remember" Eun Ji reminds me. 

Oh yes my class teaming up with Yisso and Eun Ji class. How can I forgot. 

The talent show started and everyone was cheering for their friends and classmate. I got to see many lively an damazing performance. The first one was a boy name Chen. Wait I met him before the cheeky, prankster. The first time I met him was at the fielf trip. I thought he was a clam person but no. He was so whinny and love to teased Suho and him an Baekhyun in the same room, it was chaotic. 

"Good afternoon everyone, today I would like to perform my cover of 'Sunday morning'" everyone goes wild. I never heard him sing before. 

As he sart singing, everyone was quiet while humong with the melody. He was a strong smoothing voice. His voice is melting my heart it was beautiful. He most be an idol. He have too. He so amazing. 

As for the next act it was Kai, I didn't know he was a gifted dancer. I know I had a crush on him. Who wouldn't with his move on stage. 

Then, it was Lay my boyfriend. He was a good dancer too. He was so smooth. I was amazed and shocked. 

After lay dance, Baek quece us to put something and it was a video of Hyenjin confessing on the big screen. This was our plan. Baekhyun and I was the one made this plan work few days ago. Our revenge plan. 

Everyone was shocked, puzzled, confused and were guled on the screen. I looked at Hyenjin, she was hiding to not be seen. She ran as fast as she could. That's how I felt when you did that to me. I chased her and saw tears dripping from her as she was running. I felt guilty as I chased her.

I ran towards her and grabbed her hand and dash with no words from either of us and went towards  the rooftop. 

"Sorry I did that I didn't mean to make you upset that much" I realesed her hand. 

" Leave me alone"she said angrily. 

"I don't want too" I replied back. 

"Why are you so stubborn I was the bad guy here and did those horrible things to you and why are you helping me, don't you hate me?" She added as she was confused. 

"I still do hate you… you know, as person said everyone deserve a second chance and that includes you" I explained. 

"let me tell you a story, I wasn't always a nice guy either... In away I was like you...  I took my revenged as the guy I like... Like another girl too" 

"What do you mean?" she asked. 

"See I used to be like you but a change for a better  me and you could do the same" I said. 

"Jinah I am sorry for all the bad things a did to you" She stand up and bowed towards. 

"Pology  accepted" I smiled. 


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