Chapter 6

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Another update enjoy <3


" The secret is that you are cute, "he said as if the world stopped with My heart beating so fast. I know he changes his mind and doesn't want it to be revealed.

"OK fine my secret is that I have a rough childhood my dad was killed in a car crash when I was 8 and I was sitting beside him and I was the one who distracted my dad it was all my fault" he explain as he looked at the evening sky.

" It wasn't your fault you were young 8 years old how do you know what to do," I said as I tried to say it wasn't his fault.

"But it wasn't for me my dad could be alive now... I regret and guilt of that stuck in me" He continued.

"Is that why you think how your personality of becoming calm and timid effect from that incident?" I asked.

"Yeah might be" he replied.

"I heard you have a similar problem, but in a different way," Lay explained.

"Yeah, this is how I felt every day following what happened."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," he expressed concern.

"Why are you worried, don't be no one ever was," I murmured as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Well, I don't," he admitted as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"I already know you; you're strong and vicious on the exterior, but you're completely different on the inside," he added as he brushed my tears away.

"How come you're comforting me?" Between sobs, I inquired.

"Just cus..." he said.


I don't want to go to school. People will talk shit about me again.

"Jinah!! Aren't you getting up or you're late for school and I might eat your breakfast in 5 minutes" My mom yelled as she patted my body to wake me up?

"OK Mom, I will get up in a minute" I replied while sitting in bed.

"Get up now and shower... aish what am I going to do with you Jinah... my lazy daughter" my mom nagged again and went downstairs "Please be down in 5 minutes or you're late" she yelled again.

"OK, mom!" I yelled back so she could hear me.

But I don't want to go to school. People will talk shit about me. Spread rumours about me and even bully me. I hate it why the universe loves to hate me so much. Is this payback for my wrongdoings?

At school, with my bag in hand as I stepped foot in the school hallway. I heard chatting across the hall. Whispering about something, I'm guessing about me. I quietly covered my face and walked towards my locker. Picked up my book. As I closed the locker door, Someone stood in front of me. Blocking my way.

"Why are you here again?" it's that girl, Lee Haejin said. The one who poured water all over me.

I looked at her and scanned her. She has long curly black and red highlights on her hair.

I used to be like her snobby and arrogant attitude. Well, karma is hitting me huh.

"Move demon can't you see you blocking my way... to answer your question why here anyways. This is my locker I have the right to be here, So bye" I smirked as I walked away and glared at her and she glared back.


Finally reached my class. All eyes were on me starting like they have seen a ghost and that ghost is just me. I walked towards my seat and saw Lay glanced at me for a second because he was talking with Xiumin.

Everyone doesn't know that Lay is helping me. It is like our little secret. That is what we agreed on.

The noises from the classroom stopped as the footsteps of the teacher could be heard from the inside. All of us suddenly become quiet.

"Good morning Class" She greets us as we stand up and says "Good morning Mrs Kim" and we sit back on our seats.

"Class by the end of the month will be having a school camp for all senior years, all classes will be involved as we have like 5 classes, every student need to be there. Please inform the school if you can't go. We will be going there for 3 days so be prepared and have fun "as the teacher distributed the letters for the camping trip.

Camping.I never been camping before. It might be fun, but with the whole situation right now. I just hope people are OK.

"Hey Ice Queen you're drooling a bit there," Lay said and laugh as he looked at the front again. I was thinking for so long I didn't know I was drooling. I quickly panicked and whipped it off and glared at him again and he just chuckled. It's not funny walnut as I crossed my arms.

"I was not walnut," I whispered back in an angry tone.


At the library discussing our assignments. We need to pick a book to analyse the plot, summary, characters and so on. Literally literature.

"How about this one?" he said as he picked one from the pile of books beside him.

"Princess and the pauper," he said.

"Too original walnut " I replied

"How about this?" I said by showing the book.

"Yes, ice queen, I haven't read that yet," he smirked.

We worked on our task for who knows how long. It seemed like an eternity. I was still engrossed in the book. As I dropped my pen, I noticed him resting sweetly with his head on the table.

I fixed my gaze on him. His face was smooth and calm.

Without realising it, I said, "Cute."

I'm hoping he didn't hear that.

"You think I'm cute," he continued, smirking and glancing at me.

"No, you're just making stuff up," I say as I cover my face with a book.

My shame was profound. My face is flushed.

" Are you sure?" he smirked as he pushed the book away from me as our eyes locked. 


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