Chapter 16

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Guys I'm back. Here's an update. Enjoy.


" Lay, you know me, I am bad at expressing my feelings... This is my answer to your confession "I get up to my tippy toes and kiss his lips. His eyes were wide open from the sudden kiss. He took a minute to realize it. I pulled back from the kiss and said" That's my answer" and he slammed his lips into mine.

still, that light touch sent shivers through my nerves, shivers that made my whole body tremble. "If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered. When I still said nothing, he brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple. "Or now." He traced the line of her cheekbone. "Or now." His lips were against hers.

"Or—" I said.

But I had reached up and pulled him down to me, and the rest of his words were lost against my mouth. He kissed me gently, carefully, but it wasn't gentleness I wanted, not now, not after all this time, and I knotted my fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against me.

I smile with his eyes staring at me as he pulled away from the kiss. Catching our breath.

"So that means you like me then" he smile to try to kiss me again but I stopped him with my finger on his lips "No"

"I didn't say It so it does not count as a Love confession dummy" I bantered back and he walked in front of me and said," Are you sure the kiss is not the answer, you said this is mine that's what you said ".

" No I didn't "I denied it and I saw he pouted at me. He was so cute that I couldn't help but to kiss his left cheek. "They're happy now, yes I like you".

"No, I need more to make me happy again please" He smirked.

"Hey don't be so cheeky Lay" I replied and grabbed his hands ever so gently.

"This is at least I can do for now... To tell you the truth I am a little embarrassed from earlier" I said and he replied "Me too"

We walked on the street at the dark night sky holding hands side by side.

"Hey look at the shooting star" I pointed at it as we stopped to look at it and I quickly closed my eyes and made a wish.

"Quickly Lay make a wish," I said and he replied "Mine already came true" and he grabbed my hands and we were stargazing all night long.


"Ring!!" rang my alarm.

"Jinah, take your phone off the cord, it's been ringing for the last 12 minutes," Yi Soo said as she ate her breakfast.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I stretched my arms.

"She's finally awake... I assumed she never woke up "Eun Ji said this while applying her makeup.

"Can you tell me what time it is?" I inquired.

"8 p.m.," they both said at the same time.

"Wait, I'm late," I said as I grabbed my towel and dashed to the showers. I had 30 minutes to prepare.

"There she goes," Yi soo said with a smile.

"Are you really not going to say anything about this?" Soo Min, Eun Ji said.

"Why should I?" she wondered.


I was able to get ready in time for the bus. We were waiting in line. As I waited for the bus, I noticed Lay walking toward me, smiling. I can't believe I confessed to him and then kissed him. So, whether we're together or not.

"Jinah, Earth!" "Yes, the teacher calling your name," Yi Soo yelled as I regained consciousness.

"Oh, miss," I said.

"Finally you speak, Jinah, board the bus," she said, smiling back.

I took a seat next to the window. I can't believe we're returning for two days on this field trip, and so much has happened between me and Lay.

"Why are you smiling? miss me already" Lay said and sat next to me and grabbed my hands.

"Perhaps," I said shyly as I pecked a kiss on his cheeks, and his eyes widened. "That's just a morning kiss," I said.

"Can I have another?" he wondered out loud.

"No," I replied.

"Pretty pleased," he said, his puppy dog eyes shining.

"Fine here" I was about to kiss his checks when he turned his head and kissed my lips. "We're even now."

"You're lucky you're cute," I joked as I hit him.

"I know I am," he said.

We talked, laughed, and bickered the entire way back.


" So, what are we going to talk about?" Lay asks as we stood on the school's rooftop.

"What I discovered"

"Wait a minute, you found out who did it," Lay said.

"No, but it could be her... I overheard what she and her minions were saying "I responded.

"So Hyejin is correct... I despise snobby girls like her," Lay hissed.

"So, if we became close back then, you'd hate me... I used to be like her."

"I won't... I will make you a better person because you are a kind-hearted person who I admire. I will be there for you if you need me." Lay smiled and gently hold my hand.

"Promise Lay," I assumed.

"That's a promise, and why would I hate my girlfriend?" chuckled Lay.

"Since when you officially asked me out" I crossed my arms.

"Since now, Jinah," Lay replied, hugging my back.

"I'm not going to take no for an answer," Lay said softly.

"Well, then, that's a yes," I added.

Meanwhile, Yi Soo and Eunji were hiding nearby. They hid themselves so we wouldn't notice them, but Yi Soo fell and we noticed them.

Did Yisoo and Eunji overhear something? So much for keeping secrets.

"Don't mind us; we'll continue doing what we were doing." Eunji had grabbed Yi Soo's hand and was about to walk away when I asked, "Wait, how much did you hear?"

"We would not all lie to you," they all said at the same time.

"Yes, we are together, and all of your assumptions were correct," I admitted.

"Omg, what a shocker," Baekyun says as he creeps out of nowhere, and we all laugh. I mean, not all of us, and I was puzzled as to why he was here.

Lol Baekhyun just came out of nowhere haha. Comment and vote it means a lot.

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