Chapter 7

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Here's the update that I have been promising. 😁


"You think i'm cute,"he said as he smirked with his eyes staring at me. 

" No, you just imagining things" cover my face with a book.I could feel my embarrassment. My face is all red. 

" Are you sure?" he smirked as he pushed the book away from me as our eyes locked. 

At that moment, I felt time stopped or in slow motion, just me and him looking at each other.

"Hmmph" I fake a cough to change the topic.

I really want to end this moment. I don't know why. This is a first.

"Well, what have you done so far other than being a lazy walnut?" 

"staring at this ice-cold ice queen" he bantered back. 

Why is he so annoying? 

"Anyways I am serious here the assignment we will have to send by tomorrow you dummy" 

"Well if I am dumb then you one to talk" he smirked back. 

"Can you stopped with the insults" I raise my voice. 

"For you they are compliments" He smiled and I just gave an annoying face to him. 

"Can you stopped with the flirts don't be so fool of yourself Lay" I said and continues writing the assignment. 

"Who said I was flirting with you ice queen? I was insulting you remember" he replied and I just hit him and said "Stopped with the chit-chat and let's finished this OK Lay" 

"You said my name twice?" 

"Anything to get you to do the assignment now quiet and do" 

"Yes ma'am" he said. 

For a few hours we managed to finished the assignment in library. At times with will banter here and there. It just mainless bickering. 

I looked at the time " We need to go home" 

"OK" he said and packed our things. 

He was walking beside me smirking while we were in the school's hallways. That was empty and silent. 

"Why are you smirking?" I asked and he was back on his senses. 

"Was I anyways do you have a ride?" he asked as he unlocked his bike. 

"Umm no I usually take the bus" I replied and was about to walked to the bus stop when he said "You can ride with me and I can take you home I won't mind" 

"Umm S-Sure I guess why are you being nice to me last time I check we are not technically friends" as he throws a helmet. 

"We don't have to be good friends to help someone beside you are my ice queen" he explain and started the motorbike. 

"What that supposed to mean?" I asked. 

"What's that I can't hear you through the noise of the bike. 

" Nevermind " and hugged his back. 

" Hold on tight Jinah we are in for a ride "he said. 

" Yah!! What did I said about flirting with me? "I hit his shoulder playfully. 

" Ouch! "he screamed. 


At home check my messages. It was Sung Hun and Kiara called me. 

" So, Jinah spill the tea?" she said as I lay on my bed. 

" What tea? There's no tea to be spilled" I exclaimed. 

"Well, you know what I mean the diary exposed and what going on between you and Lay? " She replied. 

"What do you mean by what's going on with Lay... We are enemies that are it" I emphasized on the enemies part.

"Are you sure... Right, right whatever you say" she replied as she don't believe me. 

"There is nothing between us as for the diary exposed I can bear with it... 3 out of my crushes got up to me and Confront me... That was embarrassing" 

"What else happened?" She asked. 

"Nothing just need to be prepared for the next 3 crushes I guess" I stated.

" Well, good luck" she replied.

" You need to help me not just wish me luck" I raise my voice a little.

" Fine fine I will help " she replied.

" You said what happened between me and Lay. You were kind of right. I and Lay are working together to see who exposed my diary to the whole school"

" Oh just called me if you need help well I need to go see you bye Jinnah, " she said at the other end of the phone.

" Bye," I said goodbye.


The following day

I just got home from school.

As the house turned peach black, I locked the door. I assumed my family was at home. When I turn on the lights, I notice someone crying in the dark living room. I took my time approaching the individual. I returned my gaze to the living room and saw my sister's face, Minah bawling her eyes out.

 I sat beside her and said, " Sis, are you ok ?"

" I don't want to talk about it, " Minah said between her sobbing.

" Fine but you know that we are sisters I can help you, " I said worried about her.

"He broke up with me, and I don't know why, " she said sniffing.

" Wait, he broke up with you but why?" my eyes widen.

"Sung Hun just called me and said we need a break then he hung up and I don't know why, I try to call him again to ask why and he just said bye, now I am so clueless" she explained what happen.

 "We have been together for 3 years and he just said he needs a break, Jinah you know why he is like this" she added.

Is it because of the text he sent yesterday? I wonder.

" Minah if you need anything just asked me ok " I hugged her.

" Ok Jinah I think I need time to myself" she gets up and go to her room.

I got my phone out and saw the text Sung Hun gave me yesterday.

Sung Hun: we need to talk.  

Jinah: called me now

My phone rings and picked it up and it was him.

" Hello Jinah are you there "

" Yes Sung Hun why did you break up with my sister?"

" Is it true that you have a crush on me? " he asked me back.

I froze and pause from the questions he said.


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