Chapter 27

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Here's another update enjoy!!


Umm... Who are you? "he said blankly as my eyes widened. What does he means who I am? I'm your girlfriend Jinah.

" Umm Lay you finally awake, let me see if you are fine "I said and was about to feel his forehead and he stopped me.

" I was asking a question who are you? "he repeats again.

" Lay don't scare me... I'm Jinah your girlfriend "I replied and he said" Jinah and your my boyfriend doesn't ring a bell"

As he said that I could feel my heart was broken into a million pieces. Why is he acting like this. It's not like him. It's looks like he is behaving like what he use to be when I first spoke to him. Something is wrong with him I need to find out. I stood up and ran out and he was blankly watches me leave the room.

Where is the doctor from earlier? I need to know what happened. I stopped and shouted "Doctor... Doctor I have something to say" I scream while catching my breath. I could feel I was sweating from all the running.

"You're Jinah, is it about Lay?" The doctor replied and I nodded.

"He's awake" I said and dragged him with me towards Lay's room. I filled him in on what happened.

"Everything about him is normal nothing seems to be wrong with him... Is there anything you are concerned about?" The doctor spoke and Lay replied "Doctor who is she?".

He kept on saying that all day. Don't tell me. Why haven't I thought of it sooner.

"That's your girlfriend Jinah" As he said that Lay started to have headaches and he started to scream from the sudden headaches.

The doctor dragged me out of the room to say what he observed.

"Let me guess he has amnesia and he forgets me" I said but he stopped me from saying the next word when he said this "Yes he forgets you because I think you were the last person that had some sort of bad things happen to him..."

"so the kiss did make him jealous and angry... Now I have to just let him remember me then" I asked him but said "No I'm afraid it is not that simple... I think for now you can't force him to remember... You need to let him remember it himself"

Those words alone make me want to cry. I have a boyfriend but won't remember me. It's the same thing as not having a boyfriend at all.


I was in  his room helping him eat as his right hand was broken and he was just staring at me the whole time.

"Is there something in my face?" I asked and he said "No you're just cute that's all"

With those words make my heart skip a beat. Jinah calm down and remember he doesn't remember you. I continued feeding him while with a poker face.

"Are you really my girlfriend?" He asked me. I already said yes to him many times.

"Yes, Lay happily finished the drink quickly" I handed over the bottle to him.

"Ohh... Can you tell me how we met?" Lay said as his eyes locked on mine.

I pushed for a second why that question made me melt in excitement. Jinah calm yourself down. Maybe he was curious. I took a deep breath and put the bottle he was holding back to the bedside table.

" So Lay, you want to know how we met. that was a funny story that I will never forget" I smiled.

Lay's face blushed. I don't know is it by what or by me.

Wait, is it OK to tell him that it might damage his brain. I don't want him to be in pain just because I want him to remember me.

"It all started with a diary-" I got interrupted by a sudden voice "Lay hyung it's your friends!!! " The loud Baekhyun shouted.

I heard that I jumped and tripped on something and accidentally fell face first into Lay who is lying on the bed. As I opened my eyes to see his eyes widen and see my lips were on his. We paused for a second. How I miss him.

"Lay!!" Baekhyun said and he opened  the door to see both of us in a position where I was kissing Lay on the lips.

"Oh Sorry... we will not disturb you two" Baekhyun cheekily said  while the others were just grinning and Suho covering Sehun's eyes.

We both quickly pulled away from each other.


Lol I can't believe they see them kiss. Comment an dvote it means a lot.

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