•Long time no see Miko and Ei•

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Your P.O.V

             It was morning, I did my morning routine. I went to where Ayakea is to ask about Yae Miko. "Guuji Yae is at the Grand Narukami Shrine" she informed about where she is. "Where is the way though?" I asked, I don't want to be lost. "When you exit the estate there is a path there upto the shrine" she stated the way, I thanked her and started to leave. "Be careful (Y/N), be back later" she states. I started walking to the path and up to the top since the shrine is there. This will take me a long time but its worth it.

—Meanwhile with Aether—

3rd P.O.V

          It's been a day when (Y/N) left Liyue and their just testing today the device (Y/N) gave them. "She said that we only press it then a hologram will appear" Paimon examining the device. Aether pressed the device and a hologram appeared.

Do you wish to know her location
Are you need of help

           Aether will not lie, it fascinated him. He pressed the location and he saw a dot. Maybe its her he thought, when he looked at the location, he wondered why were you going to Yae Miko. The hologram disappeared and he went to help the people like he always do.

—Back to you guy—

Your P.O.V

            I finally arrived and I asked the Shrine Maidens there if Yae Miko was there and they led you to the back. "I didn't expect you to come at this time" I chuckled to what she said. "Long time no see to you too Miko" I said. "I guess long time no see" she chuckled while I walked towards her. "How's Ei?" I asked, I've known the plan Ei did just to preserve her body. "She abolished the decree that she agreed on with her little puppet" Miko stated. "You mean the Balladeer" I only know that one creation of hers. "No, there's another one and she hid herself there for centuries, the Raiden Shogun" she giggled then continued that she already talked with Ei.

            Then I'm gonna visit her when Miko let me. "Are you bringing me there?" I asked. "Hm. Alright then" I was then transported to the so called Plane of Euthymia. I saw Ei there meditating. "When do you plan to leave this place?" I asked her, she opened her eyes and shocked to see me. "How are you here?" Ei still seemed to be shocked. "Hm, Miko brought me here" I said grinning. "I thought you were gone, you didn't visit Inazuma for a while" she stated. I felt bad but something happened so I didn't said goodbye to them. I nervously laughed, I felt her embrace me and her tears too. I hug back, apologizing and then another arms wrap around me, I looked up and its Miko.

             "I was near to death that time so I didn't say goodbye" I whispered but they heard me. After our reunion, we tried to think of a way to take Ei out of her puppet and preserving her body. I made a crystal bracelet and I put it to Ei's wrist. "What is this?" Ei asked. "Its a bracelet, I think I remembered something about one of my creations and that bracelet maybe preserve your life. I never tried it for myself yet" they looked shock at the creation. "Seems like the preservation for Ei is already but how can we pull her out" I deadpanned at Miko. "Seriously? You can just pull her out, you're the one that taught her so you know the answer to that".

               She laughed and agreed, we left the Plane of Euthymia and went to Tenshukaku but I have to teleport us there. We entered and we saw her puppet there, Miko started to do her thing while I watch. Ei was pulled and she was perfectly fine, I guess the bracelet worked. I brought out a dango that I cooked earlier this morning since I feel like I want one. Ei was staring at my dango so I sighed and gave it to her. "You got out fine so the plan was okah" I stated. "Yes, I didn't feel myself crumble at all" she said after she ate her dango. "So where are you staying anyways (Y/N)?" Miko asked. "I'm staying at the Kamisato Estate, why?" I tilted my head. "Alright then, atleast you have somewhere to stay other than camping" she smirked, oh no she didn't think that. They laughed at my reaction.

             I pouted and crossed my arms while looking away but soon after I laughed with them. "I can feel a delusion here though" I stated after our fit of laughter. "Oh right, Traveller battled Signora here and she died here too" Ei states. "Who killed her then?" I feel like its Ei's puppet. "You already know the answer" my jaw dropped, how?!


Raiden Shogun/Ei
About Y/N

It's been a long time since I last saw her, she's been with me and Miko going to the path of eternity.

Yae Miko
About Y/N

She's still the same as ever, her gut feeling is always right but sometimes not.


Done! I was supposed to publish this chapter by 3:00. I'm using the Philippines time since that's my country. I didn't get to finish it earlier since I was watching 'One Punch Man' but here's the chapter.

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