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3rd P.O.V

    The Unknown God puts a shield infront of everyone to not let anyone disturb the fight between the Astro Archon and HER. You looked back seeing if they're hurt or not but you were glad that they weren't. SHE attacks you while you were still looking to your comrades, everyone was yelling that the Unknown God is attacking. You slashed your scythe without looking at HER and smirked. "You thought that my guard will low" you said. SHE growled and continued attacking you. Heavy weight. Your scythe became heavy but you still can carry it. You began swinging your scythe not stopping and not giving an opportunity for HER to attack.

    Scared of the dark?. The sight of the Unknown God turned dark and her attacks began to go wild. It hit every direction when it almost hit your comrades you were lucky that Mitsuki made a shield above them. "What is this?! Why is it so dark?! What did you do?!" SHE yelled. You chuckled and attack her back which made her fall. The sight of the Unknown God went back to normal and checked her back to see blood. SHE looked at you and growled while you just smirked up in the air. "How dare you?!" She yelled. "Does it hurt?~" you mocked. She started floating again and threw an attack towards you. You began dodging it real fast while you laughed at how she struggle to hit you. "Aww you can't catch me" you taunt. The Unknown God boiled in anger so she made four attacks in every direction. The blocks hit and exploded, your brothers were scared that something might happened.

    The Unknown God suddenly felt being pulled and when she looked down to her waist she saw the dangerous part of the scythe. Four continuous hits hit her then a hard hit and she saw your back facing her. You threw your scythe to Mitsuki and he threw his guns to you. "My brother, Mitsuki, has a lovely weapon~" you cooed. The Unknown God shot you a look of fear. Aether and Lumine showed up when the God wasn't looking and they started attacking her. When the blocks demolished infront of your other comrades they attacked the Unknow God too. SHE started blocking attacks with her blocks even though it was many.

    "(N/N)!" Lumine yelled and you looked at her to see her eyes full of determination. "Finish her!" She finished. You smirked and flew to the sky at high speed. It's time for your punishment. You yelled and your burst started to form, everyone was amazed by the sight and started to step away the attack. Your burst hits the God and everyone heard the scream of agony of the God. When the smoked cleared it showed only dust, everyone cheered for their victory. The twins hugged each other while crying tears of joy. You floated down and you were tackled by your brothers by a hug, you chuckled at how they just tackle.

    Mitsuki and Riku let go of you and looked at you seriously. "You have some explaining to do" Riku said. You sughed and scratched the back of your head, you looked at them with a smile, a real one like the ones you always show to them when you were still a child. You explained what happened when your eyes were closed while they just softly smiled and a tear rolled down their cheeks. "They're in a happy place now" Mitsuki said. You hummed and Riku smiled softly while his arms were crossed. Everyone that joined the battle has to go back to their respective lands and rebuild houses.

    You were left with the twins, them sharing stories, well Lumine telling Aether about Khaenri'ah. You left them and went to your statue silently with a sad gaze. Aether was gonna talk to you but you were gone so they looked for you and Paimon suggested that they go to her statue. When they arrived they saw you standing infront of your statue frowning. "(N/N), are you not happy that we won the battle?" Lumine asked. "No, I'm happy that we won" you smiled at them. "Then what's wrong?" Aether asked. You sighed and looked at them seriously but you were sad.

    "I know this isn't right for me to let you choose but it's part of me" you started. "What do you mean?" Paimon asked. "I have a curse that was on me when my sister died" you said. Lumine gasped and Aether looked at you with worry. "We can fix this and why didn't you tell me sooner?" He said. "I don't want to interrupt your main goal of finding your sister" you softly said. "Can you... tell us about the curse?" Paimon asked. You nodded and they were anticipated to hear about it. "The condition of this curse is for the person that is chosen to choose if he or she will let me stay or I will have to disappear" you saw Aether's fist clenched. "Then who is the chosen person?" Lumine asked. "Aether" you looked away.

   "Aether, you only have two choices but they have their own conditions" you said. "What are the choices and conditions?" He asked. "First choice, if you stay in Teyvat with your sister, my existence will remain in Teyvat" you gulped knowing the second one. "The second" you said. "What's the second choice?" Paimon asked. "If you leave Teyvat with your sister, my existence in Teyvat will be erased every memory of the peopl I spent with here in Teyvat will lose their memory of me even you two but in Galaxia, I will simply disappear but the memories of the people of me will stay" you explained. Paimon and Lumine gasped and Aether trying not to cry. "You only have two days to decide and some time to think" you smiled.

   "Whatever your decision is, I will respect it" you softly smiled and left. Paimon started to sob, Lumine was still shocked but sad that the time you spent with her will be gone if they chose to leave, and Aether lowered his head trying to decide which one.


We're near the ending.

The endings will be having two separate endings so yeah.

I'm gonna ready myself for a heartbreak when writing the endings, I don't know if you guys will need a tissue for it but I know you guys are strong. >:DD

One ending will be having a Book 2 the one that I mentioned in my second A/N

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