•Make your decision•

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3rd P.O.V

    For the whole night you stayed in Childe's home and played with Teucer. His mother offered you to stay for the night and you accepted it, Childe thought that you will sleep beside him and give cuddles but his mother planned to let you sleep in Tonia's room. The next day was probably nerve-wracking to Aether since this is the day he will make his decision. You didn't say what time so he planned on going there after he finished his commissions and other things. When you awoke you were greeted by the scent of food, you did your daily routine and went to their dining room to eat breakfast. "Good morning Miss (Y/N)" his mother greeted. "Good morning, you can just call me (Y/N)" you greeted then smiled.

    You enjoyed eating breakfast with them but you have business to attend to so you bid your farewell. You didn't keep a promise to Teucer since you don't know what Aether's choice will be. You walked down the path to your statue which is still faraway and you enjoyed the scenery. You hummed while walking down the path until some Treasure Horders came. "What does a girl like you doing here walking alone?" A horder smirked. You sighed and defeated them fast, you continued your silent walk after defeating some Horders. You went to Liyue Harbor to buy souvenirs that you probably won't use when you're gone.

    You saw Liyue Harbor built like before and merchants selling goods. You smiled at this buzzling harbor, you bought some of Liyue's stuff. You went to Yujing Terrace and stayed there for a while taking the fresh air and a tinge of ocean scent. Milliliths were patroling Yujing Terrace and the Harbor seems pretty busy enough for you so you will last visit Zhongli in the Funeral Parlor. You asked for Zhongli but they said he wasn't there so you presume that he's in Mt. Aozang. You climbed the mountain and saw the spot that you will miss. Seems like Zhongli isn't here. Perhaps he's inside Cloud Retainer's abode. You thought.

    You entered the abode and was greeted by Retainer's booming voice. You chuckled and went to her to see the other adepti there. "Oh what brings you here to one's abode?" Cloud Retainer asked. "I was looking for Morax" I said. "Morax will come here any minute now" Xiao said. You hummed and talked with the adepti while waiting for Zhongli to arrived. "Oh why are you here, (Y/N)?" Zhongli asked. "I was looking for you in the parlor but they said that you weren't there so I checked here, I was planning to invite you to have tea with me" you explained. Zhongli nodded and he told you that he will accept the offer, you left the abode and waited at the table where you, Zhongli, Cloud Retainer, and Guizhong drink tea and chat some things.

    When Zhongli was finished with his little meeting with the adepti, you two drink tea and chat some stuff. "I apologize that I have to cut this chat since I will go back to the Parlor" Zhongli said. "It's alright, it was nice chatting with you Zhongli" you smiled and Zhongli smiled back then left. You continued your journey to your statue and when you arrived Traveler wasn't there yet. You picked some flowers and make a flower crown to pass the time while waiting for Aether. Aether finished all the stuff he needs to do and went to your statue with his sister. Lumine felt Aether's nervousness and pats his shoulder signaling him that it will alright.

    The trio arrived the statue to see you making a flower crown and it was finished. "Oh you have arrived" you said then stood up. Aether took a deep breath and ready to say his reason and decision. "You said that you will respect my decisions right?" Aether asked. "Yes I will respect your decision" you replied. Lumine held Aether's hand to calm him down. "I really love spending time with you, (Y/N). I really do. But do you have to leave if I chose to leave Teyvat. Can I bring you with us?" He said. You lowered your head then shook it as a sign that you disagreed. "I can't leave Teyvat, Aether, even though I want to come with you three but it's impossible" you said.

    Aether was ready for him to confess, Lumine doesn't know about Aether's confession to you. "Can I say something?" He asked. You nodded and patiently waited for what does he have to say. "Ever since we spent time together, traveling together, I find you beautiful everyday. I was hoping that you can stay by my side while we travel world to world" Aether said. To what he said shocked you and Lumine, Paimon was in her own dimension so she doesn't know this. "I really like you, no, I love you (Y/N), I hate to see you with another guy and I hate it when you're not beside" he said taking his steps and letting go of his sister's hand.

    He puts both his hands on you cheek and looked at you. You saw his eyes full of longing, love, and some sadness. "W-wha-" you uttered. Aether's face was inching closer, closing his eyes, Lumine was frozen on her spot even you were frozen. You felt weight on you lips and it was Aether. Aether showed you what he felt by that and pulled away, you were still shocked to what he did. Lumine ran up to you and hugged you, she explained things too and gently puts a kiss on your lips. Two confessions in one day. Aether softly smiled at you while you're still in shock. "Why confess now when you're about to make your decision?" You asked.

   Aether chuckled while Lumine just smiled at you, you got the signal that they won't tell you. "My decision is-"


So yeah that's all :>

If you find it cheesy or cringe, sorry for that

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