•Protect you•

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3rd P.O.V

      Everything was according to what Mitsuki planned, everyone obliged for it. You were with Zhongli and Xiao but you will change your position later to Aether's position. Your team were waiting so you went to Zhongli's side and ask some questions. "I thought you knew my siblings" you said. "Maybe I was too focused for this battle that I simply forgot" he calmly said. You shrugged and went to Xiao since he wants you by his side so he can protect you easily. The war that Lumine stated began and everyone fought for their lives and for the people they love.

      You went Aether's side and fought alonside him, you don't know where Paimon is but you guessed that she's doing here usual moral support. This is the time where Aether will be almost killed, I need to be ready you thought. You glanced at Aether once in a while to check on him. He was gettung far away maybe he's gonna talk with his sister. You inch closer but still far from Aether, you spectate from a far while fighting off some monsters from the Abyss. You took a hit before you went to Aether's side so the wound already healed. You heard explosions and you thought it was Klee but Jean wouldn't let Klee to be in danger that much.

    You saw Lumine's back facing Aether so she didn't see the Abyss Herald that's always by her side trying to kill her brother. You dashed there as fast as you could and got in front of the Herald to take the hit. Aether felt wet on his back and when he turned, it shocked him. "No!" He shouted and that made Lumine turn around. Lumine's eyes were wide and she looked at the Herald like she wants an explanation. "They're ruining your plans Your Highness, they must be killed. I was only planning to kill the Traveler, I don't care if you would be mad but you goal is more important, Your Highness" the Herald explained.

     Lumine's eyes were filled with rage and she started to attack the Herald. "You have no reason to kill the two most important person to me" she growled continuously hitting the Herald. The Herald can't defend himself since Lumine kept attacking not giving time for the Herald. Aether felt sad and enraged at the same time seeing his love near to death, he didn't confess yet so he won't allow it. He stood up and put you far away from the fight and stroke a strand of your hair and tucked it behind your ear. "Please rest (Y/N)" he softly said. He called Xiao and Xiao came asking why he called him. Aether's head were low and he just said to Xiao that he takes care of (Y/N) for him.

    Xiao asked where you were and Aether pointed then left to join his sister defeat the Herald. Xiao was shocked to see your body asleep and has a blood stain on your back. He carried you to a safe place where all the healers reside, well some join the others. Xiao gave you to Kokomi and she brought you inside, Xiao stood outside and left to continue what he was doing earlier and he need to release his anger. The twins defeated the Herald while the Herald held a betrayed look. "What are you doing Your Highness?!" They said angrily. "I don't want to stay by the Abyss's side if you were planning to kill my brother and my dear friend" she said but when she said friend it held hesitation.

     Abyss mages came to the scene and shocked to see their princess betrayed them for a measly mortal. Aether used all the elements since he's still angry to the Herald and now he's taking his anger out to the Abyss. The abyss mages turned into ashes and disappeared, Aether's back faced Lumine. "So you're teaming up with us?" He said without emotion. His eyes were stone cold, it's like the light on his eyes were gone. "Yes, I can't deal with them if they're going to hurt you both" Lumine said. Aether hummed and ushered his sister to come with him, Lumine obliged and followed Aether.

    "Why is the Abyss Princess with you, Traveler?!" Xiao yelled. "She's on our side now and to inform you that she's my sister that I want to find" he explained still held those cold eyes. "Where's (Y/N)?" He asked. "I brought her to the healers so she would be healed" Xiao replied. Aether went to the place with Lumine following him behind. Both twins' eyes were cold, the most important person to them were hurt because of this fight. Lumine was guilty at the same time scared that you would fade away from them. The two of them arrived and entered a tent to see Kokomi with Barbara checking you. "How is she?" Aether asked worriedly. "Her wound is not serious so she will be fine, she'll rest her for now so she could recover" Kokomi explained.

     Mitsuki and Riku heard what happened and rushed towards the tent. They checked you if you were okay and sighed out of relief to see you fine. "Who did this to her, Aether?" Riku's voice was low and sounds dangerous. Kokomi and Barbara left the tent to give privacy. "The Abyss Herald" he said. "Where is that bastard?" Mistuki asked. "Already killed" Lumine simply said. "By who?" Riku crossed his arms. "Me and my brother" Lumine said. They thanked the twins and left to defend some parts. Her brothers truly are protective towards her Lumine thought. She walked beside you and sat down since there was a chair beside your bed. She held your hand and closed her eyes.

    Both of them has the same goal and that is to end this.

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