•What did you do to her?!•

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I really like Donna's kind personality but she will be out of character in this chapter so bare with me. I had to ;-;


3rd P.O.V

        Every girl in Mondstadt were jealous of you since you attract Kaeya and Diluc but they can't control the love life of the two so they just let them be. Donna was a different case, she heard rumors that you were the Traveler's companion and you've been helping Mondstadt when you came. One night when Donna was closing the store she saw you asleep and getting carried by Diluc, she began to felt jealousy. The next day she saw you walk in the city with Diluc and you were telling stories to him and for the first time that Donna has seen, Diluc was smiling. The other rumor that Donna heard that you were staying in Diluc's winery and to what she's seeing right now, the rumors were true.

         Donna was going to Good Hunters and eat breakfast but she saw you standing by the fountain alone. She went up to you and poke your shoulders. You turned and see Donna, she's smiling at you but Donna's mind was set to make you stay away from Diluc. "Hello Miss (Y/N)" she smiled but fake. "Hello Donna" you smiled too and Donna felt your warm aura. Now she see you upfront, you were beautiful even though you have a scythe on your back, she still see that beauty pouring out by you just smiling. "Do you maybe wanna hang out?" Donna asked. Since you didn't mind and you don't have anything to do, you agreed.

          You spent your morning with Donna and since Donna was KIND enough, she invited you for lunch and her plan was going smoothly. You sat by a table and waited for Donna. "Hey Sara" Donna greeted. "Oh hey Donna, what do you need?" Sara asked. "Can I get two Sticky Honey Roast?" Donna said. "Sure, please wait for a moment" Sara went to do the cooking. When the food was finished Donna payed and while Sara's back was facing her, she putted poison on (Y/N)'s food. You saw Donna walking towards your table and she putted your food infront of you. "Dig in" Donna grinned. You thanked her and silently ate, Donna watching this was happy in the inside. You tasted something about the food and you know the food doesn't taste like this but you felt like you need to vomit. You vision was blurry but you still can see and you saw Donna smiling, what did she do to you.

       Sara watching the scene unfold, she was feeling upset that you think that you don't like her cooking but seeing you ate Sticky Honey Roast before without that reaction right now, something feels off. You fell off the chai, eyes closed and some bubbles in your mouth, she looks at Donna. Donna stood up smiling and walked away leaving you fainted. Sara was shocked that Donna left you so she rushed towards you and shouted for help. The people that were near helped Sara bring you to Barbara and Barbara will do the job. When Aether felt your gadget vibrate and took a look, he was shocked and he was so scared to lose you that he went to Mondstadt. Jean, Lisa, Amber, Kaeya and Diluc heard the news so they rushed towards the cathedral.

         "How is she?" Jean worriedly asked. Seeing from everyone's reaction, Aether felt more scared. "She just needs rest, she's lucky that the poison that was used to her didn't do damage" Barbara informed. "What do you mean?" Kaeya asked. "The effect of the poison is slow and it's like the person wanted her to die slowly" she said with a sad tone. "Who brought her here?" Aether finally spoke and asked. "It was Sara who brought her here. Looking at her reaction, she seemed to know who did this to her" Barbara informed them. The six of them went to Good Hunters and talk with Sara about this.

        They arrived at Good Hunters and seeing Sara's reaction right now, she's worried for you too. "Hey Sara" Jean greeted while the five followed her. "M-Master Jean hello" Sara straightened her posture seeing the Acting Grandmaster. "Since you were the witness to what happen to (Y/N), do you know who did it to her?" Jean asked. Sara started telling them what happened that time and hearing Donna's action shocked them. Jean wanted to talk about the situation but Diluc was gone. Meanwhile with Diluc, he went to the store where Donna is. He saw Donna closing and he went to her. "Diluc" Donna was shocked to see him there. "Why?" Diluc whispered. "What?" Donna asked since she didn't hear what Diluc said. "What did you do to her?!" Diluc grabbed Donna's shoulder harshly while Donna winced. "W-What are you talking about?" Donna asked but she knows who he's talking about. "Don't act innocent to me! Why did you do that to her?! What did she ever do to you?!" Diluc shouted at Donna. "I- SHE'S STEALING YOU AWAY FROM ME. I'M JUST DOING THIS FOR US!!" Donna shouted. "WE DIDN'T HAVE A RELATIONSHIP OR SOME SORT!!" Diluc shouted.

        Aether heard some noise so he went there while the four followed him. He saw Diluc shouting at Donna while Donna shouted too. Kaeya and Aether held Diluc back before he could do something to Donna. Donna was teary-eyed while Jean was disappointed at Donna for what she's done. Jean punished Donna on house arrest for a month and Donna silently agreed. Kaeya and Aether can feel the rage of Diluc just by holding him. "Master Diluc, you need to calm down" Jean said. "How the fuck am I gonna calm down when that woman tried to kill (Y/N)?!" Diluc said. "We all felt the same way as your feeling right now so please calm down" Jean told him and Diluc was calming now. Amber and Lisa were disappointed too to Donna, they thought that she's a nice girl but doing that to (Y/n) crossed the line.

        Two days after the incident happen and you already woke up and feeling better. Sara was glad that you were fine and she even hugged you while crying. You can't believe that Donna didn't help you that time but you put that in the past. Aether went back to do his quest while Diluc let you rest in the mansion for a while. Jean also informed that they were worried about you when the incident happen and you can't believe that Diluc just snapped at Donna. You knew Donna's huge crush towards Diluc since you always hear her saying his name and having a fantasy in her head. Every morning Amber will join you for breakfast while at lunch Kaeya will join. You always ate dinner in the mansion and Diluc always joined you.


That's it for today/tonight

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