Chapter 4 - Concrete Jungle

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Sorry it took me sucha long time to update. Please keep commenting, voting, etc. It motivates me to post quicker ;) Back to Kaylee's POV .. 1D boys r coming up in the next few chapters. They'll be a huge part of the story once they're introduced, I just wanted to give u all the background info on how Kaylee and Gwen got to them. Ok enjoy!!


Kaylee's POV

I awoke to the loud blaring noise of car horns. Opening my eyes, but not moving at all, I took in my surroundings. Gwen was sleeping next to me, I was in the back seat of a car, and Carter was swearing under his breath at the oncoming traffic from the driver's seat. We must have made it to NYC. I wiped the sleepyness from my eyes and sat up looking out the window. Tall buildings that touched the gorgeous blue skyline were all my eyes took in. They call it a concrete jungle, because it's absolute madness here but there's no sign of nature anywhere. It's all city sidewalks, skyscrapers, and people walking busily about chatting on their phones.

"Hey C, are we almost to the hotel?" I asked quietly.

"Oh hey Kayls, I didn't hear u wake up. Yeah we r just around the corner. I'm gonna let you and Gwen freshen up and get something to eat while I put up your tent outside to wait in line. You hungry babe?" He asked not taking his eyes off the road as he spoke to me. I appreciated that he took driving so serioulsy. Carter was mature and responsible so I always felt safe with him.

"Yea, I could eat. Thanks for setting us up, C. I can't picture Gwen and I putting up a tent by ourselves." I laugh picturing this scenario unfold. Eventually we'd both give up and end up sleeping on the street.

He laughs at this too. "Yeah I figured you girls would need some help. I'm not planning on camping out though, that's on you girls. I'm gonna stay in the hotel room and when you guys wanna eat or shower I'll come outside to hold your spot in line."

"Thanks, that sounds like a plan." I say.

"Just remember I'm only a phone call away if you need me." He said while pulling into the fancy hotel. His words rang in my ear as I realized he spoke them to me before when he comforted me on the porch. I decided to push the thought away and focus on the present. As we waited in a line of cars, I looked up to read the sign which read, "The New York Palace." Luxury didn't even begin to describe this hotel. It was seriously too good to be true and looked like the type of place the president would stay at if he were visiting in town. Truly magnificent! I couldn't wait to see the inside!

I woke Gwen up quickly just as the valet people opened our doors and took our bags, offering their hands to help us out of the car. I had to help Gwen along because she was still sleepy but she was slowly getting her bearings.

"We're here!! Yay!!" She said perking up a bit as we followed Carter over to the check-in desk. The inside of the hotel looked like it had been painted in gold and carved out of marble. Everything was so elegant I was afraid to even walk on the see-through crystalized floor. Truly, this was the most beautiful hotel I'd ever been in. Gwen and Carter were somewhat used to these types of perks from growing up with a mother who had an A-list job as the editor of People magazine. I, on the other hand, was lucky to even stay at a Motel 6 with my parents on vacation, but going on a few trips with Gwen prepared me for the type of treatment we received.

"Checking in?" an all-too-polite woman asked. Her hair was tied into a neat bun and all flyaways were slicked back. She wore a maroon suit with a gold name tag on it which read, "Gretchen".

"Yes, we have a reservation for two rooms under the name Isabelle James.." Carter spoke sounding very professional.

"May I see some ID, sir? And can you clarify your relationship to Miss James?" she asked obviously flirting as she asked that 2nd question, earning eyerolls from Gwen and I. Carter blushed but didn't respond to the flirting as he took out his wallet searching for his ID. This wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Gwen and Carter were always asked this type of stuff when their Mom wasn't with them. I mean, she was the editor of People magazine. She was basically a celebrity! So they always had to verify that they were, in fact, related to THE Isabelle James. But you could tell this "Gretchen" wasn't interested in how Carter was related to his Mom. She was curious if he was single!

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