Chapter 3 - Roadtrip to NYC

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Hey guys!! :) So this Chapter is gonna be in Carter's POV .. Often times I'll keep the POV from Kaylee's perspective but I may switch it up now and then to let you in on the other character's thoughts!! The pic on the side is my vision of Carter .. he's 2 years older than the girls so he does look a bit dated but still hot yeah??

This Chapter is dedicated to all my loyal followers :) I love all you guys and appreciate each vote, comment, fan, etc.


Carter's POV

I knocked loudly on Gwen's door, hoping the girls would get up this time!! I went in at 2:30 AM to wake them up, but they were sleeping like rocks and so I let them sleep until 3:00, because I'm just that nice of a brother, haha. But now it was getting late, and this was their gig, not mine. I was just the driver/chaperone along for the ride, and they needed to GET UP.

"Girls, it's 3:10 ... Rise and Shine, we got a long trip ahead of us. If you're both really tired you can sleep in the car but we really gotta get going..." I say to them through the door. I hear shuffling, and then the door opens to reveal a tired-looking Gwen and a shocked looking Kaylee. Gwen makes her way towards the bathroom, and Kaylee is still sitting on the bed looking like she's just seen a ghost.

"Morning Kayls .. everything ok, sweetheart?" I ask gently. The poor girl's face was washed away of any color, and her expression read "scared" to me...Weird?

"Yeah, I'm good, Carter. Thanks." She said sliding her feet off the bed and wiping her tired eyes. I felt bad tearing her away from sleep when she looked so content but we really had to get going if the girls wanted a good spot in line for these tickets.  

"Carter, where's my green-tea facial scrub? Mom said she gave it to you last night to put in my bathroom." Gwen asked poking her head out into the hallway.

"I put it in the top cabinet. Look to the left, next to your nail polish." Woah did I really just say that?! I've been hanging around girls too much.

"Thanks, Car. I see it now." She says shutting the door. Walking down the staircase I yell up to both of them to be ready to leave in 20 minutes. I hear "okay's" from both of them and continue walking towards the kitchen. Pulling out Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal packets, I quickly make two batches, and put it into bowls. I hear the girls coming downstairs, just as I finish pouring them glasses of orange juice, and grab two bananas for them as well. It was something they had often, when Kaylee stayed over, so I know there would be no objections.

"Wow, thanks C!" Gwen says chowing down.

"This is so good. You used milk instead of water, just the way we like it." Kaylee smiles at me, before taking another bite.

I turn my back to them and pour myself a cup of coffee to hide the goofy grin on my face. It was so hard to hide my feelings for her ... She had no idea how much she meant to me ... How much I adored her from afar. I wanted her to be mine, but--This is absolutely ludicrous. Carter James, get it together!! She is two years younger, and your sister's BEST friend. If it ended badly, Gwen would blame YOU and never let you live it down. These thoughts HAVE TO STOP, I think to myself, sipping my coffee and biting my toast occasionally.

The girls finish up, put their bowls and spoons in the dishwasher, and then run upstairs to retrieve their bags from Gwen's room. I notice an envelope with my name on it placed right next to the bowl where we kept all the keys by the door. Reaching up to grab it off the shelf, I immediately notice my mother's curly script and open it. There's a note with a platinum credit card inside. I pull out the note and it reads:


I just wanted to thank you for taking the girls to New York. One Direction isn't exactly your cup-of-tea, but I know this means a lot to Gwen, and it's a huge favor to me. I wish I could go with you guys and see the girls faces' in person, but like I always say, "The Boss never takes a vacation". I have a team of people who need me here, but I want you to take lots of pictures!! Don't let Kaylee pay for ANYTHING, this trip is on us!! The credit card has no limit so be sure to pay for all meals, souveneirs, and anything else you or the girls want. I just ask that you please not go nuts. Notice I gave it to you and not Miss Gwendolyn, my little shopaholic .. I trust you'll be responisble with it ;)  

I love you, Carter. You will always be the better man, than "he" ever was, and I'm proud to call you my son. You and your sister are so dear to me, so do take care of yourselves and return home safely. Tell the girls I said to have a nice time. I have an early meeting tommorrow and need my rest, so please don't wake me. Have fun!!

All my love,


Sliding the note back into the envelope, I shove it into my coat pocket and place the credit card in my wallet, just as the girls come down the steps. My mom's words meant a lot, and I didn't blame her for letting me hold the credit card. Gwen would run up the bill quicker than you could say, "shopping". I sling my duffel over my shoulder and grab my car keys, before I do a double take. Kaylee only has the one bag she brought with her last night, but Gwen, of course, has a ton of stuff. You've gotta be kidding me.

"Geez, Gwen, do you really need 3 bags of stuff?" I ask. It's puzzling how much my sister needs when she travels.

"Yes. Yes, I do." She smiles tilting her head to the side.

I chuckle, shaking my head and grab one of her bags before we all head out the door. Hopefully this ride would go smoothly, and the girls would just sleep. We put our bags in the trunk, and the girls climb in the back seat. As I start the car, I notice their eyelids are already looking heavy and they both slide in their headphones, slowly drifting off to sleep. Perfect. I pull out of the driveway, and hope to God that their isn't much traffic. Stopping at a red light, I look in the mirror and see a peaceful Kaylee lightly snoring away next to my sister. I loved them both so much ... My sister and my Mom were always my top priority, but now Kaylee was too. She didn't have any siblings but Gwen and I, as well as my Mom, considered her a part of our family. Gwen and Kaylee were one in the same, and I know they'll be friends forever. If I ever came between them with my petty crush on Kaylee, I could never live with myself. This secret had to stay hidden. Forever. Suddenly a loud HONK sounds from the car behind me and I realize the light is green. Pressing the gas pedal, I break myself from my thoughts and focus on the road. New York, get ready, cause here we come.


Hope you all enjoyed :) I really like this Chapter<3 Isn't Carter the sweetest brother ever?

Don't forget to comment, fan, vote, check out the sidebar, etc.

"Why Don't You Love Me?" By Hot Chelle Rae (love them!) feat. Demi Lovato really tells the sotry of Carter and Kaylee, don't ya think? I chose it for this chapter because I felt the lyrics really describe what Carter and Kaylee are trying to say. 

We'll have to see what happens down the road with these two .. *SUSPENSE*

Later lovelies!!

~Kierstin Clark<3

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