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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
As I slept peacefully, I had turned over but stopped once I realized there was something warm behind me.

When I looked I had saw it was Sukuna, peacefully asleep with his arms around my waist.

I didn't even want to get up, just wanting to stay in Sukuna's embrace and just move on with my new "life" or whatever it is.

"Sukuna, come on honey I gotta get up" I lightly said, only getting a grunt in response as Sukuna just held me tighter.

"*mumble* just a few more minutes" Sukuna mumbled, pulling me to lay on his chest, not even opening his eyes.

"*sigh* fine" I said, shuffling around a bit, seeing the small smile on Sukuna's lips as I rested my head on his chest, falling back to sleep.

Time skip
"You're late" James said, as I walked in, seeing that he already started looking like some of the lost souls as he sat in his study, the door open.

"I had some things to take care of" I said, carefully walking in, seeing he had already written the letters for my family so they could get the house while James's family got his belongings.

"Well I've already written everything" "and I'm thankful, I'll get it sent out if you need me to" I said, a slight bit of sorrow in my voice.

"No it's fine. Y/n I'm really so-" "James just save it, I won't accept it anyways" I said as I walked up to him, placing my hand on his cold cheek, knowing there was no point in waiting an extra day.

"This is what you killed me for James" I said, bending down and whispering every secret there was, seeing that James's eyes had turned black as I told him the last of the secrets.

Once I was done, James had lost all expression on his face before a manic smile was placed on his face as he began to laugh, finally losing his mind to Sukuna's secrets.

Without saying a word I had just let James cling to my dress, his tears wetting the fabric as I saw his soul be taken out, looking lost as a horrific shell of a body was left behind, making me close my eyes, not wanting to look at it as I walked out of the study, the letters in my hand as I sent them to the mail post, accepting these new found abilities.

"Are you okay with this?" Sukuna asked as we walked into the domain with the lost souls, seeing James wrapped in his own chains of regret.

"This is enough" I said, knowing that every memory of our past would replay for James, making him suffer in regret.

Once me and Sukuna left back to his room, I had sat at the edge of his bed.

"I know this shouldn't be brought up but are you sure you still want to be by my side? After everything I'm sure-" "Sukuna I'm sure. You've practically been here for me longer then James has since he's been wrapped up in that study" I said, knowing I didn't mind.

"Well there's this fruit that you have to eat, it'll keep you immortal and young" Sukuna said "is it nasty?" "I don't think so" Sukuna said, a cute look on his face as he actually gave my question some thought.

"It's fine Sukuna, but on a real note, do I have to meet any of the gods?" I asked "well there's an upcoming party, we don't have to go if you don't want" "no I want to, wanna show off my abilities a bit" I said with a smile, making one of Sukuna's pillows appear in my hand.

"Sure, but maybe calm down with the showing off, these gods have big egos" "I will" I said as we both stood up, walking out of the room to spend the rest of the day together with Sukuna explaining how everything is more "modernized" even giving me my own phone.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 681

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