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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯

Look if you're confused then we're both on the same boat. Apparently not only will I be in a runway show but the very next day there's a type off award ceremony for all the important gods and Nymphs.

It's been the talk of the city for around two months but I didn't think it'd come around so quickly.

Me and the girls have been running around, Adeera cussing out my designer for small mistakes in my outfit, saying how this is my first award ceremony and I need to look amazing.

Even Sukuna's been stressed, having to handle more ordeals then normal, I mean for gods sakes Mercury has been coming around with at least ten messages a day.

"*sigh* I miss home" I said, laying in mine and Sukuna's bed, not minding the small ball of fluff that decided to rest on my stomach.

"Tired?" A familiar voice asked, one that I knew was my husband's.

"Yeah, come lay down" "oh I was going to anyways" Sukuna said, a dip of the bed following after.

"*mumble* I wish we could stay here forever" my husband mumbled, making a slight giggle leave my throat.

"Same, but then again we kind of live forever so it's possible" I chimed in.

"True, anyways you wanna order food?" "Does that even need to be a question? Of course we're ordering food" I answered, my husband chuckling before calling up our favorite restaurant.

After doing that I had turned the tv on, picking something out for us to watch before getting up, deciding to just walk around till our food got here, Tina in my hands.

As I walked around for maybe a few minutes, I had stopped at the baths, seeing Sukuna was in there, head thrown back and water going down his chest.

'This man will be the death of me' I thought, my eyes trained on the god, even after he opened his eyes to look at me, giving me a stupid wink with a smirk, making me realize he was trying to mess with me.

After sitting Tina on the couch to play with a toy, I had walked into the baths, sitting on the ledge where Sukuna would be between my legs.

"You gonna join me?" He asked me as I shrugged "I don't know, you do seem very relaxed though" I say, hands lightly massaging at Sukuna's muscles.

"Mhm, I am now that you're here" "oh really?" I asked, leaning forward with my hand running down across Sukuna's chest, down his abs into the water, hearing the god lightly sigh out as my hand finally reached his dick that was fully hard.

"Looks like someone's needy, need some help?" I asked my husband, "yeah" he groaned as I pulled my hand away and got up.

"Huh?" "Hold on baby, I gotta join you first" I smiled, giving him a wink before pulling my clothes off and getting into the steaming water, being sure that Sukuna still had his back towards me.

"I should of know you were so tense baby, I guess even gods need a small break right?" I cooed, lightly kissing at Sukuna's shoulders as my hand wrapped around the base of his dick, my other hand on his waist.

"Y-yeah" it felt good to hear Sukuna stutter as I slowly started to move my hand up and down his dick, being sure to rub his tip with my thumb as I did this, earning myself a few groans, Sukuna holding onto another ledge next to us for support.

"Come on baby, let loose, let me hear you" I say against his ear, Sukuna getting louder as my movements got faster.

I didn't even have to say anything to Sukuna at this point, my name was falling from his lips as if he were praising my very existence, also bucking his hips a bit once in a while.

"Are you getting close baby?" I asked, Sukuna only able to nod "you can cum then, come on baby you know I love you" I said, the finale straw as Sukuna groaned, his cum now basically mixing with the water, a little of it on my hand.

'Not cleaning this up'

Once Sukuna calmed down and we dried off before getting dressed, Sukuna had a weird look on his face.

"What?" "I'm gonna repay you later" he says simply "repay me for what? We're married" "so? I still want to please my beautiful wife" he smiled, kissing my lips just before there was a knock on the door, turning out to be our food for the night as I went into the room to start up our movie.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 792

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