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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
It was the next day, also the day that I'd be meeting with the designer to be in their runway show.

I had gotten up extremely early, so early that I was able to make an entire breakfast for me and Sukuna before I got ready.

"This'll be cute" I said, just wearing a cute outfit since this was just a meeting and not an actual casting cause I was basically already casted in the show.
Hair and fit check

Once I walked back to the kitchen, seeing Sukuna was also dressed, he looked back at me a bit surprised

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Once I walked back to the kitchen, seeing Sukuna was also dressed, he looked back at me a bit surprised.

"You made all of this?" He asked as I picked up Tina "yeah, I had gotten up early so why not" I said, looking at Sukuna ask he had his arms around my waist.

"Y/n" "yeah?" "You know I love you right?" Sukuna asked and I was slightly taken back from his words, a genuine smile on my lips as I looked at him.

"I love you to" I said and Sukuna had cupped my cheek, kissing my lips.

Once we moved back we had finally started to eat the breakfast I made.

"Okay we should definitely start heading out now" I said, checking the time "yeah probably, is she coming with us?" Sukuna asked, pointing at Tina "yep" I said with a smile.

We had walked out to Sukuna's car and I was able to pick out a song since I basically had a better music taste than Sukuna, even though he just says his music is still good.

"So what's the designer's name again?" I asked "his name is Emery, kind of lame if you ask me" Sukuna said and I had rolled my eyes and I typed in the name, seeing all of his designs.

"Oh wow, his work is amazing, but all the models he works with are like beautiful" I said, knowing that beauty in the this realm was definitely different and almost everyone here had a high standard for basically anything.

"Why do you think he wants you for his show? Obviously you're beautiful, breathtaking actually" Sukuna said, as if he was offended by my words.

"Yeah but mortal beauty is way different then a goddess" I said surprised when Sukuna stopped the car at the side of the road.

"Gods you can be blind at times" "how?" "Do you not see how beautiful you are? Even Adeera says you could take her place as the most beautiful goddess around, now please open those eyes of yours and realize that you're the best looking woman around this place"

Now was I expecting for my husband to say all of that? No, but nonetheless he had placed a smile on my face.

"Fine, just start the car" I said avoiding Sukuna's eyes "sure, only if you kiss me" "Sukuna we're going to be late" "so?" He asked and I had let out a defeated sigh.

"Fine" I said, placing my hand on his cheek before leaning in, pressing my lips against his before pulling away.

"Is this good?" "I guess, now let's get you to this meeting" Sukuna said as he finally started to drive again.

Eventually we had made it to the designer's headquarters, me and Sukuna walking inside.

"Oh it's you two, you can just go on up to Mr Emery's office" the receptionist said and me and Sukuna made our way to the elevator, Tina sleep in my arms.

"So you excited?" "Obviously, I wonder what Emery is like" I said "he's okay, dramatic if you ask me" Sukuna said and I had rolled my eyes as we stepped off of the elevator, Tina looking around to see where we were going.

Once we made it to Emery's door I was about to knock but Sukuna just opened it without hesitation.

"Sukuna" "what? He's not even doing anything" Sukuna said while rolling his eyes as Emery looked up from his table of fabrics and note pad.

"Ah there you two are, it's so great to finally meet the new beauty" Emery said, walking over.

"Oh thank you, your work is amazing by the way" I said "oh I do what I can, anyways let's sit and talk, uh close the door while you're there" Emery said, Sukuna mumbling curses as he closed the door.

"So Emery, why did you want me for your show?" I asked as we walked around his work room, Emery taking account for each piece the was in sight,

"Well I mean look at you, I look at goddesses and Nymphs all day but I've never seen someone as beautiful as you" "*whisper* told you" Sukuna said from behind me.

Basically Emery was just giving me a rundown of what preparations were going to be like.

"Anyways do you have any questions dear?" Emery asked and I shook my head "I think we covered everything" I said "well then it was great meeting the both of you, especially Tina" Emery said, patting Tina's head before me and Sukuna made our leave.

"Told you he was dramatic" "Sukuna he was not dramatic" "sure, whatever you say" Sukuna said as we got into the car, with Sukuna driving to get us some food.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 883

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