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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Its been three days since the meeting had Sukuna was not letting Y/n out of his sight, fearing that something or someone might come for her and their child.

But as the two tried to relax from everything, Zira and Esmeray were already plotting.

"My poor Esmeray" Zira spoke, wiping at the girl's now black and purple cheek.

"It was just a punch mum, she's not dead," Mercury says nonchalantly, not caring about his sister or mom in the slightest.

"My troubled child, that mortal should be punished for an act like this" "exactly, like do you see my face?" Esmeray pointed to her brother, the god was honestly done with his mother and sister, wondering why he even agreed to come over.

"But now that'll all end, and we'll make sure Y/n gets what's coming her way" Zira stated, her plan being one that would break the woman's spirit in an instant.

Meanwhile though, while Sukuna was working on his duties, Y/n had snuck off, going off to the mortal realm to see her mom and sister again.

Y/n was just simply feeling homesick again and she also knew her mom was itching to see her again, especially because of the pregnancy.

𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"Huh w- oh my gods Y/n" mom smiled, wrapping me in a hug, Sasha eventually joining in as well.

"Oh wait mom she's pregnant remember," Sasha said, backing away so she wouldn't hurt Y/n.

"Yall I'm fine don't worry" I laughed, now being dragged into the house that had the rich smell of my mom's cooking, my mom fixing me a heft plate.

"Mom-" "just eat and tell us about my grandbaby" mom interrupted, making me roll my eyes before I started to eat and give a more detailed version of events.

"I wish that bitch would try to touch you" "Sasha she's a god" "and? Finna makes history around here" my little sister huffed out.

"Well, are you okay Y/n?" Mom interrupted my sister "yeah I'm fine physically, I'm just worried about my baby and what's gonna happen now" I say.

"Well you know you're always welcome to stay here till you get your thoughts together" mom offered, also sitting down a cup of raspberry leaf tea for me.

"I might just do that, especially with how stressful it is in the great realm right now" I state, knowing I'd have to let Sukuna know so he wouldn't stress.

But for the time being mom was doting on me and my child, and the woman also forced me to eat two pieces of fruit even after making me eat dinner.

For the rest of the day though I felt relaxed and calm, but of course, something in the back of my mind was making me feel nervous that something might happen.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 483

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