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𝐘/𝐧'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Finally, morning had rolled around and for some reason, I was calmer than Mercury and Alora, the two breaking their backs just so I could be relaxed and prepared today.

"If I didn't know any better I would guess I'm giving birth already" I joked as the two made me breakfast, unaware I was a bit amused by the attention.

"Cause we need you as stable as possible, and no offense but I doubt Sukuna's mind is anything but stable" Alora stated as she sat the plate down in front of me.

"Yeah, I agree with that" I laughed, beginning to eat the breakfast made for me, slowly starting to feel a bit nervous.

But eventually, I was done eating and Amira and Mercury had everything done, the two still treating me as if I were a piece of glass as I went into mine and Sukuna's room, taking a moment to look at my husband.

"Alright Honey, everything should go smoothly, you'll be able to hear me talking to you so don't stress about having to find your way around" Alora explained as I got onto the bed, laying next to Sukuna.

"Okay, what do I do when I find Sukuna though?" "Try to wake him up, it shouldn't be hard for a god like him to break free once he realizes what's going on," Alora said, and now I had glanced over at Mercury.

"Don't worry, you're gonna do fine" he reassured, smiling at me, his long hair up in a ponytail that leaned to the side as he looked at me.

"*sigh* okay," I say, trying to relax as Alora hovered her hands above me, a warm sensation hitting my face and spreading across my body, my muscles relaxing as I started to slip away, the next time I opened my eyes being in a sort of dark area.

"I'm honestly not surprised," I say, looking around to see piles of Skulls like Sukuna's throne room, a super large skull in the middle of everything with a throne in the middle of it.

But as I kept walking, stepping on bones and stuff, I started passing different rooms, the rooms being different memories and dreams.

"Sukuna that's not what I meant" I heard my voice laugh, seeing it was a memory of the two of us, Sukuna kissing my lips with his hands on my stomach, the memory making me smile as I kept walking, truly determined to get to Sukuna.

"Can you hear me Y/n?" I heard Alora's voice "yeah I can hear you" "okay good, my brother's being distracted right now, he'll be gone for a while so just follow my lead" the goddess instructed me as I nodded.

I was already going in the right direction and to just keep straight, but to be careful of accidentally stepping into any dreams or memories, just in case it happens to be a bad one.

"Why can't his mind be warm? It's so cold in here" I complain, but surprisingly it started to warm up, and I was confused till I realized there was an entire section to just me and Sukuna, all of them being happy and calm.

But one of the dreams caught my attention. The two of us were in the kitchen cooking as usual, but then a little girl ran over to me, her little giggle sounding like bubbles on a sunny day as I and Sukuna spoke to her, the three of us truly being a happy family.

After watching that dream for a second, a small tear ran down my face, not truly realizing how much Sukuna loved me and the thought of a family.

For a moment I wasn't moving, almost contemplating the idea of walking in and getting a closer look, but I'd rather make the dream a reality.

So eventually after some walking and wondering how long this would take, I found a random black door with bars in it.

"Is this it?" I asked Alora, knowing she could hear me "yes that's it, it doesn't seem to be locked so just go in," the woman said as I placed my hand on the doorknob, feeling how cold it was, a bit of dread washing over me as I opened the door and walked in.

Once inside the dream, I realized it was our home, everything seeming a bit gray than our actual home.

But eventually, I found our room, kind of nervous as I walked in.

"Sukuna?" "Go away, I'm tired of this fucking loop" 'loop?'.

Now I was confused walking over to my husband and about to place my hand on him till he grabbed my arm, allowing me to see he had been crying, eyes tired but filled with anger and defeat.

"I told you I'm tired of this," the god said, not helping my confusion at all.

"Sukuna it's me, I'm not a part of the dream" "why would I believe that?" "Cause you can't beat the original" I rolled my eyes, seeing the god eye me for a second, his grip letting up as he started to stand, towering over me.

"There's only one woman in my life that would say something like that and be right" he smiled at me before smiling at me.

"Cause I'm always right, but I need you to get out of this" "how?" Sukuna asked, but before I could answer, I heard someone walk in.

"Oh Sukuna who's this?" A woman said, her voice sounding like mine, but a bit off.

"My wife" Sukuna answered, his hold on me tightening, making me realize how mad being in this loop might have been for him.

"But I thought I was your wife, does that mean you don't love me and our child anymore? How cruel" "you're not his wife, you're just a part of this fucked up dream," I say, walking up to the fake, her smile turning into a very creepy grin.

"Or maybe you're a part of the dream" she spoke, a hand slowly creeping towards my stomach, but I had pushed her back, pretty hard cause she fell.

"Look I know you all can hear me Zira and Esmeray, just know I'm not letting y'all off the hook, and the next time you see me even you will have to find a god to pray to," I say before punching the fake me, seeing she had instantly passed out before disappearing into thin air.

"Have I told you I'm in love with you?" Sukuna asked as I turned to him "A lot actually" "hm, well let me say it again, I'm in love with you Y/n" Sukuna said, walking over to me before crashing his lips against mine, and during our shared kiss, I eventually woke up.

𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝗼𝐫'𝐬 𝐩𝗼𝐯
"*gasp* oh my god" Y/n was the first to wake up, Alora coming to her side in an instant, Sukuna waking up soon after, the god's reaction being a simple groan of exhaustion.

"What the hell, why are you here?" Sukuna asked, looking at Mercury.

"I'm not surprised that those are your first words after waking up" Mercury deadpanned at the larger god.

"They're the ones that helped me wake you up" Y/n explain, seeing her husband nod at the reasoning.

"It didn't do anything to her right?" Sukuna asked Alora, worried that the little trip might of done something.

"No she's fine, and so is the baby" Alora reassured, everyone, seeing Sukuna visibly relax at those words.

"You don't know how much I've been hoping for this," Sukuna said, grabbing Y/n and hugging her, Alora and Mercury found their way out of the room, giving the two some alone time.

"Yeah, me too" the two stayed like that for a moment, Sukuna coming to terms that he was finally with his real wife, the only person who he's been thinking about.

And as for Y/n, she was just happy to have her husband back, both her and Sukuna holding onto each other for dear life, Sukuna a bit more careful to not hurt Y/n on accident.

But the moment was just a breath of fresh air, but the two did know one thing, and that was Zira and Esmeray truly weren't going to survive what was coming their way.

𝐈𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐚𝐥𝐥
𝐖𝗼𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝗼𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1401

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