January 03, 2019

- Do you mind if I ask if that night was just a kiss or did you go further?

The conversation with Matthew woke me up. He lay back on the empty side of my bed, listening intently to the story he knows too. That first dinner that ended with a kiss that opened a new door in my existence, the door where Miles's existence merged with mine. I've never counted more than that before. Never before, alongside Nick, have I been the one to talk about my sex life. To tell the truth, I'm quite modest. I found expectation in Matt's gaze.

- As you well know, Miles has been the only one I have ever experimented with ... and that night my thoughts and emotions were too scattered for anything else to happen

- As usual, Alex. You characterise yourself for always thinking for others

- Yes, I know ... but it happened over time, you know

- How different is it?

- It was different because I love him, because I fell in love, not because he is a man

- I see ...

Matt's eyes struggle to stay open. I assured him that I'm fine, and that he must go to rest in his room. Breana didn't deserve to spend her nights alone because her man was babysitting his best friend.

- I'll take care of going to town for supplies, get a good night's sleep, you need it

I didn't object to his offer. He patted my shoulder and stood up. He said goodbye with a "rest, brother" and I wished him the same, in addition to thanking him for never leaving me aside. Raindrops hit the window violently, the room was lit by thunder. I reached over to the side of the bed that Matt was on. The side where Miles's body rested only once. We always choose to spend time in his suite. Our hiding place. The space where our first times happened. Tiredness got the better of me, and the memories manifested themselves in my dreams.

August 27, 2018

... I offered him a smile. I looked for his lips again, who responded to my kiss with fervour. I kissed his neck again, while Miles tangled his hands in my hair. His chocolate-flavoured lips left mine to seek my sensitive neck as the next victim, where his tongue licked my earlobe until he moved to leave tickly kisses all over my exposed skin. I tipped my head back, allowing him to encroach. The more he pressed his body against mine I felt pleasure encasing me whole, alarmed and surprised by this new sensation, I reluctantly pulled away to look at him. His lips were swollen. The moon illuminated the lustful humidity of the encounter. With his fingertips, he caressed mine and smiled. Then, as if it were a camera, he pretended with his hands that he was taking a photo of me. I looked at him surprised.

- I captured you mentally because I wish the image of your swollen lips like cherries remain in my memory

I felt my cheeks blush down to my neck. Could someone truly be this sweet?

- Miles ... I'm flattered by this moment that you have given me but I must go back to my work

- Don't you want me to accompany you?

- No .. I mean yes, I just figured that after this you wouldn't want to

- Why? I want nothing more than to stay by your side

Stay by my side. I fantasised that someone wanted to stay with me. I gave him a shy smile and he gave me a chaste kiss in return. I fixed my hair and we went downstairs. Every time we exchanged glances, we laughed or simply smiled. I didn't feel this way when I was with Alexa. Was it possible that this was true love? At the end of the tour, we said goodbye at the reception. Miles leaned closer to me, to kiss my cheek.

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