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Today's my birthday, and I feel sad. When will you be back?

January 06, 2019

- ... Happy birthday to youuuuuu! - With my nephews on my lap, we blew out the candle while my friends clapped, shouted and captured the moment with their cameras.

The joyous moment turned to screaming and crying as Amelia's short ponytail was pulled by Forrest, and Hearst as an act of defence pushed his cousin and he hit the table. The birthday cake took a back seat, while we tried to calm down the little ones and the tranquillity to join the celebration of my thirty-three years again. Amazingly, this morning I woke up in a good mood. That doesn't mean that even within me, I continue to feel incomplete. I decided to be grateful for the day, for the lunch that the boys prepared, for the funny poorly wrapped gifts from the little ones, for the call of my parents, for the warm hugs that the hotel employees gave me, for the simple fact that to be alive. I had breakfast with Matt, Nick and Jamie in our conference room, as they had set the scene for the occasion. Then, warm enough to travel to the North Pole, I took a walk of almost an hour and a half around the hotel. The biting cold helped me reflect. On my return, I worked until lunchtime, where my sisters-in-law and nephews joined to have a feast of food until cake time. With the children now calm and enjoying the balloons, forgetting about the recent altercation, Katie cut portions of the cake and distributed it over tea. It's been a long time since I've felt well. At least for today, I will focus on the positives that life has to offer. But, of course, it certainly is screwed up, and I wouldn't make an exception on this day.

- Alex ... you must come

Mark burst into the room, snapping his fingers.

- Sit down, eat a slice of cake ..

- No thanks, I need you to come to the reception

- Something happened? Why are you so nervous?

- Miles called

The knife with which I was cutting a slice of the cake for him was suspended in midair as did my reasoning. With it, I could cut through the tense and silent environment. The only sounds present were the laughter and conversation of Hearst, Forrest, and Amelia. In a brusque movement, I dropped it on the table. I demanded that Mark repeat what he had just said.

- Miles called, he cut off the call but it was recorded

I hurried out of the room. Never before has the third floor seemed so far from the ground floor. I didn't have the patience for an elevator, so I hurried down the stairs, Nick, Matt, Jamie, and Mark hot on my heels. We entered the office, where in a corner Nick has his work area, he turned on the laptop while he connected a headset to the device. Impatient, I picked up the phone and pressed the button that played the last call.

- Good afternoon, Tranquility Base Hotel, Mark speaking, please tell me how may I direct your call?

- Can I talk with Alexander Turner? - Miles. I would recognize the colour of his voice even in the distance

- I'm very sorry to inform you that Mr. Turner is currently unavailable. Would you like to leave a message?

- Shit ... - I smiled at his insult

- Excuse me?

- I'm sorry, I don't have much time, in fact I'm running out ... - in the distance, I heard some men calling him - can you wish him a "happy birthday" for me?

- Yes, of course, from whom? Would you like to leave me a number so that he can contact you later?

- I'm Miles

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