August 30, 2018

Miles's stay at the hotel was coming to an end. During the last four days, we allowed ourselves to get to know each other more. By this I mean that we take every opportunity alone to kiss and caress each other until one of us (or sometimes both) perceives that the limit is within reach, and that the line we have been crossing is sufficient. I was impatient to go beyond what was already explored, and because of this, I was investigating. I spent nights awake, surfing the internet, watching content to instruct me in my "new homosexual phase" as Matthew and Nick joked when they surprised me one afternoon in my office, glancing at a page with illustrative images of sexual poses between men. With no alternative, I had to reveal my affair with Miles. Jamie was excluded from the conversation because he doesn't approve of employee-guest relationships. The rule applied to all of us, but since I was the only one who remained single, I had a feeling it was directed at me specifically.

On the afternoon of Miles's penultimate day, Nick appeared at the reception office looking like a fugitive, looking around and making sure he had properly closed the door.

- Alex, I have something for you - he said, handing me a small bag. I took it and found out it was from a pharmacy. He encouraged me to open it, and as I did, my entire face felt on fire. Nick bought me condoms and lube. My friend since childhood, the one who, like me, doesn't openly like to talk about sex, had gotten into his car and driven to the city to buy these items.

- When you talk about Miles, you look like when I talk about Kelly ... So I think you should give it a try, you understand what I mean, right? ... So I knew when I made love to her for the first time, I knew immediately that she was the one for me ...

I wasn't quite sure how to react to such a present.

- ... and Matthew said that it would help you feel less tense

Of course this was Matt's idea! Nick was the only one who executed with the certainty that he had no choice but to follow our friend's crazy ideas.

- OK, good bye!

Without further ado, Nick withdrew. Should I carry the present with me until I meet Miles? And then what? Do I casually propose to use them? The revelation that tonight is our last dinner hit me like a bucket of cold water. Contrary to the previous days, the hours were fleetingly settled until seven in the afternoon and I got off the elevator to meet him in his room.The door opened before I could knock. A grinning Miles scanned me top to bottom and complimented my choice of clothing. I blushed at his admiring gaze and it led me to think about what I secretly kept in the inside pocket of my blazer. Unlike our previous dinners, this one took longer than usual. We liked the after-dinner haze because we shared funny anecdotes. But tonight, I did my best to avoid intimate contact with him. I thought I was doing a good job and not being obvious how nervous I felt. We hadn't put it into words, but we both wanted to end the night in only one way. What happened is that now the fear of the unknown took hold of me and I was no longer sure if I should allow this to happen. I leaned out the window to catch a glimpse of the sky. Miles hugged me around the waist, resting his head on my shoulder, and the hairs on my arms stood on end.

- You know that we should not do anything more than what we already did ... I would love to, but if you are not sure, I will not get angry

- Will we meet again, Miles?

- Is that what you want?

Of course I wanted it. I wanted it as much as I wanted to know what would happen if his hands, which were caressing the fabric of my shirt over my stomach, came down low enough to take what was crying out for attention. I put my fears aside, I suppressed them, I would deal with them later. I turned to see his moonlit face. Still, with my skin manifesting a tremor of anxiety, I caressed his cheek to bring our lips together. Miles is a modern lover, it's an exploration, he's made of outer space and his lips are like the galaxy's edge and his kiss the color of a constellation falling into place and when he said that he needs me tonight, I can't keep my feelings in disguise the white parts of my eyeballs illuminate. His fervour convinces me that I can do it. Holding his hips, I walked him to the edge of the bed where with a gentle push he fell against it. In a few minutes, we undress, hungry for each other's touch. I lose myself in his long legs, tangled with mine, in his strong, muscular arms that support my back. I settle on him, and shamelessly, I move to generate friction in our erections. He likes my movements, I know because his hips are pushing against me, because a few moans come out of his mouth without decorum. I return to his bare shoulder leaving a kiss, one after another reaching out to kiss the marks on his long arms.

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