Chapter 19

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©2022 by Wonderfulstories.

Wow this is good'' are I really the one running these three ladies? coming to London wasn't a bad idea. I have three ladies [dieing for my matter] Am really progressing on my aim of coming to London but I have one thing to do which is to get my certificate as a graduate but before then let me enjoy my life.

Next day' as I was about to leave for school' jennifer came to my room to inform me that her father is traveling so we both will spend the weekend together" I was drinking a bottle of water when she was making that statement but the water choked me immediately I hear we will spend the weekend together.

Amanda and I had already planned for her to come over so we could spend the weekend together to make the situation worse. She's coming over after her 1pm lecture and I have already told Jennifer that Amanda is only my schoolmate, nothing else is going on and she believes me.

Are you okay? she asked. Yes am fine' I reply, it seems you were choked by the water. Hope there is no problem? She asked again. Not at all. I just looked at my time and I saw I was late to my lecture. Can we talk about this once I am back.

I ran off" When I got to school I was not comfortable because of what Jennifer told me earlier' my mind keeps on Ringing' Amanda is coming over" we will spend the weekend together. That was what I was thinking till when the lecturer noticed I was not concentrating.

Lecturer," Abraham! ! ! !

I stood up as I heard my name from the lecturer's mouth.

Lecturer" could you please tell your fellow classmates what I said Jennifer told the men in this paragraph.

Abraham," Oh,, sir you said Jennifer told them she's coming over so they can spend the weekend together.

Immediately I dropped that statement and I realized I wasn't myself, everyone in that classroom laughed except Zara but the first to laugh was Amanda. This Zara of a girl is madly in love with me but I don't know why I find it difficult to love her back. I pray we make out in future" she still didn't laugh because she knew I wasn't in my right mood either something is after me or am after something.

The lecturer got angry and told me to sit down. I was ashamed of myself when the lecturer yelled at me.
Two hours later I went outside to have some fresh air be at my usual spot *the school pool* I just don't know why I love staying beside the pool but I have never in my life swam it. Not that I don't know how to swim but almost everybody in the school are ladies so there is no way I can swim in a pool where four or five guys are in the pool and the rest are ladies.

As I was outside I was still thinking what this evening is going to be '' asking myself' a player like me running out of ideas that can't be possible I hit my head' this head came up with an idea. As I was doing that, not knowing Zara was on the other hand watching me.

Zara ''What's the matter with you? What's bothering you?

Abraham," Ah, you scared the daylight out of me, how long have you been standing here?

Zara" as long as I can't remember.

Abraham," Am sorry I didn't notice you are here' I was minded lost.

Zara" I know so tell me what the problem is.

Abraham," If I tell you' you might take it funny and laugh at me.

Zara '' why would I? if it is about your relationship with Amanda' I have decided to stay away from you guys lane, I just want my friendship with you to work and I also promise to always cover up for you whenever my father talks about us.

Abraham," Thanks I appreciate you just made my day with this news.

Zara," do you mind telling me what the problem is, I might be of help who knows.

I breathe heavily"

My landlord is traveling and his  daughter who I become friends with is turning out to something else. Now her father is traveling. She took it as an opportunity to spend the weekend with me and Amanda is also coming over to spend the weekend in my place.

Zara '' woh, this is big' and that was my plan, this is what I was about to tell you that my plan is, I have already told my father not to expect me to come back today because I am spending the weekend in your house.

Abraham," Jesus!!!! you did that? you all should just kill me.

Zara," don't worry mine won't be an issue because I will tell my dad that your friend is having a birthday party and you won't be available this weekend so we postponed it to the next weekend.

Thank you"

Zara ''The problem here is the other two girls.

Abraham," That's it, and my landlord's daughter is too stubborn' am seriously confused please if you have any idea please bring it up.

Zara," hmmmmm

Abraham,"What do you think we should do?

Zara," please change that word who are we? when you were following many girls up and down didn't you know it would choke you one day. Please say what I am going to do.

Abraham," Okay' what am I going to do.

Zara ''Now you come, just allow me to think.

She kept quiet for a few seconds.

Zara," why don't we do it like this" tell Amanda you both can't spend the weekend together in your house because you haven't seen light for the last two days and there is no water too. Before you can bathe you have to borrow water from your landlord's daughter.

Abraham," Wow, I love this idea.

Zara," then tell your landlord's daughter you won't be available because you are going for a friend's birthday party and you will be back in two days by then her father will be returning from his trip.

Abraham," Wow' I love this idea, thank you so much I promise to make it up to you.

Zara" what are friends for but for me to cover up for you when my father asks me' you need to pay.

Abraham," Why are you doing this na.

Zara," you are happy now?

Abraham," Am super happy in fact my second name is happiness, thank you so much being friends with you is like being P.A to God.*Zara the genius* That's your name from now on.


Word counts 1,132

Writer ~Abraham Ebube.

Stay turned for the next chapter to know if the idea given to me by Zara worked or it ended up implicating me.
Schedule of my work is still working as MONDAY' TUESDAY' & FRIDAY.

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