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(Before you begin reading, I advise checking the description. This story doesn't include anything bad and if so I will put TWS, but mostly bullying(physical or not). There will also be a little sexual content at the end. Please be safe <3)

Tubbo's POV:


I heard the wind chattering as I walked to school, today was one of the windier days. I don't like it. I look around and see everyone standing outside the school. Mostly Tommy and our friend group, which is actually pretty large. Considering how popular Tommy is.

I stand beside them not bothering to talk, I know I will just get ignored. I just sat there on my phone not caring about a word they were saying. The bell finally rings as I head inside following Tommy. We have our first class together, so I'll just talk to him then.

"What were you guys on about?" I say as I continue scrolling through Twitter, not looking where I'm walking. "Just some rumors," He pauses. "I think they are rumors, just people saying we have a new target." I don't really listen to a word he says but I roll with it. We get into first period which has to be math. But everyone's quiet today, all whispering to each other. Maybe I should've listened to what Tommy said, he knows everything that goes on in this school. "What happened Tom?" I ask quietly, trying not to be awkward.

As I ask, someone walks in the door. They are wearing a black mask and glasses, preventing, from seeing their face. They have big fluffy brown hair, and was weirdly tall. "A jackpot, that's what." Tommy snickered, looking at the man standing by the door.

I knew this situation all too well, Tommy bullies a new kid till they leave the school and publicly embarrass themselves. Sometimes it takes weeks or years for a new target, but it looks like he just found his long lost jackpot... And it's hilarious! I'm always his sidekick, people often fear me too because I'm with Tommy. It's like everyone's dream, to feel some sort of power in a school with all mentally ill people!

So I snicker as well, "A jackpot indeed."

I look back at the giant at the door, he looks like some weird ass kid. Someone who would wear a Minecraft creeper sweater in middle school. Mans literally wearing full on gear on his head! Seems like everyone else agrees as the room falls silent when he walked in, he awkwardly waited at the side of the room for the teacher to come in.

He ended up getting settled and had the seat right in front of me, now I couldn't see shit! "Okay class settle down," The teacher said with her soft but demanding voice, man I really don't like this teacher. "First let's address the elephant in the room, we have a new student." She gestured towards the new kid. "More like a long ass giraffe," Tommy laughed. Staring at the 'giraffe' that he sat beside. The whole class went into a fit of laughter as the weird kid just slumped in his chair more. The teacher ignored Tommy and continued talking once the laughter settled down, "Would you like me to introduce you, or would you like to introduce yourself?" She asked, looking at the kid, now half sunk into his chair. After a few seconds, he didn't respond. "Um, I'll just introduce you then. Everyone this is M-" "No! It's fine-I'll introduce myself. I'm um Ranboo.." He quickly interrupted with his surprisingly monotone voice.

I couldn't help but laugh, that was so awkward! "That's not what it says here," He teacher stated. As the whole class started laughing, "Just messed up paperwork?" Ranboo replied, which sounded more like a question. The teacher then moved on with her boring lesson. As Tommy turned around looking at me giving me the 'shits 'bout to go down' eyes. And I couldn't agree more.

As the bell rang, the first period was over as me and Tom slowly followed the giraffe out of the room.

"What class do you have next?" Tommy asked from behind Ranboo. He turned around and ignored Tommy. After a few seconds of silence, "I guess I'll just find out for myself" Tommy said a little bit louder, catching the attention of others around us. "Tubbo." He demanded looking at me, giving me a nod. I quickly pin Ranboo's arms to the nearest locker preventing him from moving. As Tommy takes off the giraffe kids backpack. "Let's take a look." Tommy said proud of himself. I let go off Ranboo as Tom opens the bag. "Ah ha! Here it is." He said pulling out Ranboo's class schedule, "Wanna do the honors Tubbs?" He said passing me the paper. As I quickly rip it in half, but the crowd doesn't laugh a lot. Tommy looks around panicking, he needs to be a people pleaser. "Do you still have that water Tubbo?" Tommy asks, I nod getting a water bottle out of my bag.

"Now we're just getting started!" Tommy said, trying to catch everyone's attention. And it worked once they saw the water bottle, the oldest trick in the book. Tom slowly unscrewed the lid as more people gathered around. "Wha- what are you doing." Ranboo said, trying to walk forward, as I pin his arms to the locker again, but he tries fighting back. And he's probably stronger than me. "Little help Tom!" I say struggling to keep Ranboo still. He puts the water bottle on the floor and instead holds Ranboo back, "You do it Tubbs."

Usually I'm the sidekick, but Tommy wanted me to do the hard work. "We don't have all day!" Tommy shouted, I take a deep breath and open his bag. I see he has one of my favorite books, interesting. I slowly dump the whole water bottle into his bag, as I guess he just understood what was happening "My stuff!" He tries going forward being stopped by Tommy. "My stuff!" Tommy mocks in his American accent, as the whole crowd starts laughing, most of them recording. Tommy loved the attention. "Do another water bottle tubbs," Tommy looked back at me, snorting. So I did, as more people came to watch. I'm surprised the bell hasn't rung yet. The bag was soaking wet and all the papers ruined as water spilled everywhere. "Take the mask off!" Someone yelled, which caused everyone to do the same, as they started chanting. Take his mask off! I felt my stomach sink a bit. Maybe it's because we haven't had a crowd this big in a while, or maybe it's because I'm actually doing a lot of the bullying, but I didn't feel well.

Tommy let go of Ranboo as he lunges forward to his bag, down on his knees. It gives Tommy the perfect chance. "Purpled, Fundy!" Tommy calls looking at our friends in the crowd. They get the message as Purpled and Fundy come over to help. They help keep Ranboo to the ground, as I slowly slip away. I watch as Tommy reaches to take his glasses off. What's even up with the mask and glasses anyway, some freak. Ranboo tried moving his head back and forth, Tommy eventually got his hands on the glasses as the crowd started to cheer before- "Tom Simons!"

It was our math teacher, Mrs. Tina. She didn't look too pleased. I told you I didn't like this teacher. As she called his name he stopped to look at her. The bell then rang as everyone scattered, I quickly hid into the nearest boys bathroom so I could hear their conversation. All I could hear is muttering and Mrs. Tina helping Ranboo. As Tommy walked into the boys bathroom, he knew I was here.

"You can't hide forever." He said looking at me blankly, "If you want to be popular you have to take the punishment's, not be a coward!" He slowly raised his voice, "It's always been like this, you think you can hide and be a pussy. But there is so much footage of what you did to the new kid, don't expect to get away this time." He said slowly leaving the bathroom. This happens every time.

What happened to the old Tommy..

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