Good Old Friday

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Tubbos POV:


I walk into the school yard after getting no sleep last night, maybe no one knows? Maybe Jack didn't show the video to anyone? My hopes were then crushed when I walked to where everyone always stands outside and everyone went quiet. "Oh, Tubbo." Tommy said in a 'you messed up' way, "I can explain!" I quickly shouted, they didn't respond. "I was going to the library because me and Jack were going to meet there. I saw ranboo reading a book and decided to go pick on him. I forgot Jack was coming. And then he told me that he was recording the whole thing." I tried explaining, "That's not what you told me, and why were you sitting with him then?" Jack asked in disbelief, "If you could hear what I was saying!" I paused and took a breath, "I was trying to manipulate him, pretend to be his friend. So then we can do more then just soaking his bag. We can break him." I admitted, which wasn't wrong? I didn't actually want to talk to Ranboo but I had a good opportunity. When I saw him I wasn't really trying to be nice to him. Or at least I think I wasn't. "Tubbo," Tommy said, "You're a genius!" He continued. "Yeah you should spend a week with him then crush him!" Fundy added, "And afterwards you could give us blackmail and make him for sure leave this school." Purpled said sounding proud as if he even did anything. "Or you spend time with him to prove your loyal and won't get attached to him. We don't even know if what your saying is true! This should be more of a punishment if anything." Jack added, why did he have to be a prick. It's not like I would get attached to faceless freak anyways.

So I got started, Tom and I headed to class. It felt weird as everyone stared at me, "Tom could you tell everyone what's going on, that I'm not actually friends with Ranboo." I whisper as we walk into class. "No, then Ranboo will know you're trying to manipulate him." He answered back without even looking at me. "So I have to deal with this!" I answer louder than I should have, "It's only for a week, maybe then you won't be a pussy." Was he still mad at me from yesterday? Whatever. I asked the teacher if I could sit at Tommy's desk since he had to sit beside the teacher and also had detention for a week. She said yes, so it began.

The teacher let us catch up on work, so I scooted towards Ranboo who I now sat beside. "Hey," I said, and of course he didn't answer. "Helloo" I said trying to get his attention. "Your reputation is ruined because you were seen with me, now you want to talk to me?" He asked, looking at his paper. "Your so stubborn, you know?" I said trying to act annoyed, leaning back in my chair. "Seriously what do you want." Ranboo said finally looking at me, or at least I think he was looking at me. It's hard to tell with his glasses but he faced my way. I took a breath before I started talking, "Listen, I know I technically bullied yo-" "You did." Ranboo said interrupting me. "You didn't let me finish, but it was Tommy. He made me do it, I know what you feel. I don't have freedom, I have to follow Tommy!" I stopped, "Look, what I'm saying is you actually seem cool, we read the same book! And I have no one else now so I might as well hang out with you." I finally said. And he seemed to believe it. "Oh," Is all he said. "Want to hang out at lunch?" I asked, as he responded with a nod. I then helped him with math, actually it was more the other way around. He was pretty smart.

I then went into PE for my next period, I had none of my friends in that class. It was very awkward, everyone kept staring at me. I guess it is weird to see 'tubbo once a bully now friends with a giraffe' all alone in PE. But honestly this was kind of like that book. The Right Time, except I'm not actually Ranboos friend and not gay so. After PE I had history which I just fell asleep for half of the class, while Jack sat beside me probably still not trusting me. But finally it was lunch, I was so excited until I remembered I have to sit with Ranboo. This week is going to be a long one.

"Hey," I said sitting across from Ranboo at an empty lunch table. "Hi." He answered back, picking at his food, "Do you want to hang out after school?" I ask quickly, trying not to get embarrassed. "W-what?" He said, "I mean sure?" He then continued. I felt so embarrassed even though I know this is only pretend. "Are you not eating your lunch?" I asked, as he has a full plate of cafeteria food. He just slowly looked up. "Oh right, the mask." I said, "Mhm" He slightly chuckled, his laugh was so contagious. I smiled slightly, "So what's up with the mask anyways?" I ask, "I- uh." He stopped, "You don't have to tell me, but are you never going to eat at school?" I ask, actually curious. "Just eat in the washroom," He shrugs, "It's what I did in my old school." He continued, it then fell into an awkward silence. I turned around to see some people recording us. "I had to deal with this all day." He said while also looking around, "How could I be the whole school drama in one day." He continued, I couldn't tell if he was joking about it or stressed. But I pulled out my phone to text Tommy,

'When can I stop hanging out with Ranboo?'

Tom: 'Next Monday.'

'But that's more than a week! It's Friday.'

Tom: 'Also during the weekend'

Tom: Piss piss piss pisa pis

Tom: Sorry that was Fundy.

*Tom took a screenshot of chat*

Tom: Sorry that was also fundy

I stopped and looked over, Fundy was trying to get the phone from Tommy while he yelled at him, and Jack was laughing like a maniac and Purpled trying to enjoy his musty sandwich that he has had everyday since grade 5. Man, I missed them. Sure some people would think we are just all about bullying but I actually enjoy hanging out with them. Tommy brought us all into this bullying idea.

"So where do you want to hang out tonight?" Ranboo asked, as I forgot he was there. "Oh uh, maybe the library? At like 5?" I said, sad that tonight all me, Tommy, Fundy, Purpled, and Jack were supposed to hang out tonight. I don't think that's happening anyways as Tom has detention. "Sure 5 is fine," He said pulling out his phone, then putting it down once the video of us bullying him I assumed started playing, I could tell by the audio. I kind of felt bad, he can't really get a break.

Time skip

I waved him goodbye after school, man that was one of the longest school days. Boring as shit. I walked home and it was just Lani home. "Where's Teagan?" I ask putting down my bag, "Working at the library idiot." Lani replied, "Damn what got you into a bad mood?" I jokingly said. She sighed, "Well because everyone hates you at school I somehow got dragged into it. They keep asking if Ranboo has ever been to my house! What is even going on between you to?" She stood arms crossed, "Must be so hard being a freshman." I mocked her, "Answer my question." She demanded, still seemingly mad. I sat down and picked up an apple. "I'm not actually friends with him, chill, just pretending. Then I can embarrass him in front of the whole school." I said biting into the apple. "You can't tell anyone though," I said face stuffed with apple. "I can't deal with this forever!" She rose her voice. "it's only for a week how do you think I feel." I said leaving the half eaten apple on the counter. "Anyways I'm going to see him at five I'm going to get ready!" I said running up the stairs. "Clean up that apple!" She yelled back, "And that's still in like 2 hou-" I shut my bedroom door before she could finish.

Well now we wait.

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