Friday.. again

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Ranboos POV:

I ran, I tried to remember where Tubbos' house was. The path we took everyday, how was I so stupid.

He didn't care yet I fell for it.

Tubbo was right, today wasn't windy. I've grown to love the wind, when we would hang out it would always be windy. But today the air felt like it gave up, and so did I.

I found my way to Tubbos house, the door was open so I ran in and ran to his room. I started stuffing my clothes back into my suitcase as tears fell from my eyes.

"What are you doing." A voice called,

I looked behind me, Lani was standing by the door leaning on the frame. "What?" I wiped my tears, "What are you doing." She repeated, knowing exactly what I was doing.

"He never loved me-" "He did," She interrupted. "Do you know how many times he came to me for help? He was stuck, Ranboo he loved you more than anything. This is exactly what he didn't want to happen." She began, "When I found out what happened that night, were you to yknow.. I was shocked because Tubbo promised he wouldn't get attached to you. I was mad the night I first met you because he said he wouldn't even let you into our house. Obviously he wouldn't do all these things if he didn't love you."

"It doesn't matter, I'm leaving anyway." I started rolling my bags out the room. "Please think about it, he loves you. Don't regret this." Lani said before I left.

I managed to get my bags out of the house and started walking to the train station, too much was going through my brain. Thinking every moment we had together.

When he caught me at the library the day after bullying me, but still tried to talk to me when he knew he shouldn't have. When we actually hung out for the first time at the library, where I met Teagan and went to his house for the first time. When I got his number at the library the next day. On Tuesday when we hung out at the hiking trail. That was the night I started to feel things for Tubbo, I told him my name and we stared at the stars. The next day we went to the park, he kissed my hand. I didn't want to admit it but I loved that. And on Thursday when he finally saw my face, taking off my glasses.

Would he do all of that just so he would ruin me..

I eventually got to the train station, my train was coming in 5 minutes. I sat on a bench. Although I saw someone, Fundy. He was waiting for a train. Guess he needed an escape as well.

The train came, so I began to walk on.

"No you fucking don't!" Someone yelled,

I looked behind me to see Tubbo who looked like he just ran 20 miles.

Tubbos POV:

It felt like I just ran 20 miles, I came to find Ranboo as fast as I could before Tommy started beating me up.

"Don't you get on that fucking train," I grabbed his wrist out of breath,

"I've been planning to leave, I've had it planned since Wednesday. Guess you weren't the only one keeping secrets." He sounded drained,

"Please, what don't you understand? You're just giving Tommy what he wants! Maybe if you listened, this was all a plan to make you leave the school, to humiliate you. WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS?"

"You're just a mouse who got stuck in the easiest cheese trap." I continued.

He didn't answer, he never does.

"Now you're just going to leave me, and I'll be stuck with Tommy. Why don't you run away from your problems, like you always do." I didn't even know if I was upset, why was I being so harsh.

"Answer me for God's sake!" I yelled, Ranboo seemed to jump back at that one.

"Toby.. I don't know what to say." To no surprise he was crying.

"I believe you, and Tubbo I love you. But maybe fate was wrong."

It took me a while to answer, I didn't know if I should accept the fact that he's leaving or try to get him to stay, if I do I might never get to say goodbye.

"Well I had a fun week, who knew I would fall for someone in a week." I wiped my tears.

"What?" He mumbled

"We first started hanging out on Friday, it's been a week."

He hugged me, tighter than ever. "I love you Tubbo, I really do. I'm so sorry." I heard him crying into my shoulder.

All I could do was hug back.

He wiped his face and walked onto the train,

"So, this is the end isn't it."

He chuckled, "That's a quote from the book."











3rd person POV:

He was home, although it didn't feel the same. The wind never picked up, it was hotter in California.

But Ranboo loved his house, his home. It was an old house. With a low roof, it was hard to get around but he adored it. He could remember the scent, he remembered everything before he went to the UK.

So he accepted it. Some things were never meant to be. Ranboo never messaged Tubbo after that, he blocked him.

Ranboo began to go back to his old school to try and forget.

There was Niki, he explained everything to her. He actually had more friends, he enjoyed school. He was happy.

Ranboo also decided to stop wearing the mask and glasses. He wanted to move on.

Maybe he didn't need Tubbo. Everything was normal.

But something was missing, he couldn't lie to himself.

Tubbo was right, this was like every high school love story.

Only if The Right Time had another book, or even another chapter, but the story finishes here.


well.. there is still one more chapter :)


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