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Ranboos POV:


"You can't ignore me all the time. Something's happening and you have to tell me." He didn't sound comforting at all, more demanding. It was my dad. But yet I still ignored him, as I began to get up and slide my bag on. "Not again," He whispers. It falls silent, so I continue leaving as I go to grab the doorknob. "MARK!" My heart skipped a beat, it wasn't like how Tubbo scared me, I was actually terrified  this time. "Answer me for God's sake!" He yelled again, "Yes?" I tremble, but act fine. "If you leave this house you're not coming back." He demands, so I turn around. "All I want you to tell me is where you have been going everyday and what's happening at school." He stares at me coldly, I don't answer. I could just tell him but I don't know what he will say. I'm so incapable why couldn't I just tell him! "And why do you keep ignoring me!" He yells again, "Dad I-" "No leave." He interrupts . "But da- "Leave and DON'T come back! Do you hear me!" I've never heard him yell so much over something so small. But I take defeat and walk out the door putting my mask and glasses on. I just hide, I'm a damn coward.

I walk to the school yard as I don't see the group standing at the front as usual, where are they? I go to my locker not knowing what to do until the bell rings. Tubbo's said he would wait for me here. But he might be in class already. "Hey!" Someone calls me "Tub-" That's not Tubbo, who else would call for me. "Quick, someone's choking in the washroom!" I look around, they are definitely talking to me, no one else is around. "Where?" I say, trying to act calm, "Follow me!" I followed him to the nearest boys washroom. I walk in but I hear no one, as the man stays behind me.

"Did you get him Jack?" I recognize the voice, as I step in. Tommy. "W-what.." I stutter, I'm just a mouse who got stuck in the easiest cheese trap. I try backing up, as who seems to be Jack stopped me, and Fundy? Or was that Purpled I don't remember. "Don't be scared, come on." Says Tommy, as he does the bell rings. "Bring him here, Fundy, Jack." Tommy demands, as they grab my arms and drag me forward. "Remember this?" Tommy says, shaking a water bottle. "Tommy please." I beg, obviously having the lower ground. As they drag my bag off. "Why don't you do this in a big crowd? Don't you want your stupid attention?" I ask as they take off my backpack, and Tommy laughs. "BAHAHA, Ranboo don't you get it?! We don't care about the attention we care about making life a living hell  for you. Unlike what Dream  did." They all snicker, "How- who told you!" I step towards him, "Easy giraffe!" He mocks me, then punches me in my gut, causing me to fall to my ground. They then pass my bag to Tommy, "What's this?" He says pulling out my notebook, welp guess I'm dead. He opened the first page it read:

Enemies: Tommy, Fundy, Purpled

Unsure: Tubbo

Possible defenders: Mrs. Tina

"MRS. TINA?!" Tommy yelled not holding his laughter, "Gosh Ranboo your more pathetic than I thought." He says as he rips and ruins the book, tossing it back in the bag. I'm glad he didn't look at the other pages. "I guess we could stop stalling now." Tommy says as he unscrews the bottle cap, I look around and everyone else has a bottle open and is slowly stepping towards me. As I realize, they don't care about my bag they- "GO!" Tommy yells as I get soaked in water. "What the hell!" I yell. They all laugh, maybe I am pathetic. As Tommy squats down. "I would take off your mask, but I don't feel like seeing your ugly face. Plus it would be too easy, you have to let the pot sizzle first." He smirks, lifting my soaking long hair onto my head so it's not covering my face. And squats back up, "Did you get that Fundy?" He asks, as I look at Fundy and he was recording the whole thing.

They all leave, leaving me in the middle of the washroom surrounded in a puddle. I get up and go into the big stall. My mask was soaking wet, but I couldn't leave school I had no where to go. So I sat in the washroom eating a granola bar. "Ranboo?" Voice called. Tubbo. "Are you in here?" He asks, but I stay quiet, like I always do. "I know you were here I can see the puddle of water, I saw the video." He continues, "I'm here Tubbo." I say, trying not to make it obvious I've been crying. "I'm coming in," He says behind my stall. "No! I don't have my mask on, it's soaking wet. Please don't come in." I see his shadow step back, as he sighs. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help, I- I didn't know you were here." He said ashamedly but like he was guilty, "It's not your fault, like you said, you had no clue I was in here." I say putting on my still wet mask and walk out. As Tubbo looks up, "Ranboo your soaking you can't go to class like that." He states, "I don't have anywhere to go." I say, hoping he won't ask any questions. As I slowly lean against the wall in the stall and sit, and start crying. He probably couldn't tell but I was stuck. "Ranboo please-" "No! I've sick of this, I'm stuck Tubbo! I'm absolutely stuck! Do you know what it feels like. I can't go back home and I don't know what to do! I'm tired Tubbo! I'm tired.." I say trying not to cry more then I am, "I know what it feels like trust me." He says sighing, walking in the stall. He sat beside  me and laid his head on my shoulder. "They finally got to you." He says, and for once I don't know what he's thinking or feeling.

Some time skip..

"Someone's going to walk in here and it's going to be awkward, let's please go." Tubbo says looking at me, I just look down. "That's it we're going," He demands, grabbing my wrist dragging me out of the washroom, where everyone could see me. He continues dragging me as I don't bother looking around. "Tubbo this is embarrassing," I say getting my wrist out of his hand and looking up. "My hair looks like I just took a shower." I say to him, "It's not just your hair that makes it look like you took a shower." But we eventually get outside, "We have to walk." Tubbo demands, he's not showing emotion, barley. I knew I shouldn't have shown weakness in front of him, I'm such an idiot. I sadly nod as we start to walk. And it's freezing and I start obviously shivering. Tubbo sighed, "Stop walking." He said which sounded like another demand, he started to unzip his sweater and taking it off, and gave it to me. "Tubbo this is to small." I say to him, worried by the lack of emotion he's showing, he definitely mad. "Fuck off!" Tubbo starts laughing, he laughs so much he falls to the ground. "I'm trying to be serious! It's what helps me when I'm sad. Someone to help guide you! Your being to cute I can't not laugh!" Tubbo explained, "No! I thought you were mad at me, are you serious! You scared me half to death." I said relieved, "Okay, put on the sweater you going to freeze." Tubbo says. So I put on the sweater, and it actually did fit, just a little tight but it was better than nothing. As we then continue to walk..

 wait did he just call me cute?!

I get it out of my mind as we eventually got to his house and headed to his room, I've never seen his room before. It was a medium sized room, with a double bed and a pc setup and light grey walls with yellow accents. "Damn, this is cool." I say looking around. "Yep, you can lay on my bed I'll be back." Tubbo says getting ready to leave the room. "It's like 12 in the afternoon. I'm not going to sleep?" I say laying down on the bed, oh but it is comfy though. And the pillows are really soft, so I slowly adjust to the most comfortable position. I heard Tubbo say something, but I was too tired to respond or to hear.

As it fell silent, I fell asleep.

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