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My name's Marinette and I'm vampire. I'm also an assassin. I was born and raised by the League of Assassins who are also vampires. My parents died during their last mission when I was only 3 years old. And since then, nothing has ever been the same. Like for one thing...I don't kill nor lust for blood. I'm an outcast. Until one day, the leader said that I'd be engaged to her son, Damian. We were the only kids to come out the league in years.

After that Damian and I hung out more often. I mean, we were already 'friends' but now, we spend like every minute together. But the one thing we always love to do, is spare. But as fate would have it, he would win and in exchange, he drinks some of my blood. It's only fair as he is my fiancé. I don't mind, plus, I owe my life to the league as they kept me around even after my parents passed away.

Damian: Yes, I am victorious.

Marinette: *mumbles* Nothing new there.

Damian: Tell me, are you losing on purpose because it seems that your skill level has decreased?

Marinette: N-No, I've just been distracted as usual.

Damian: Well you need to focus more on your training.

Marinette: Yeah ok...

I pulled down my shirt so my neck was visible but he passed me straight. "I'm not thirsty today. I'll leave you be." That was strange, he never passes the opportunity. He seemed off.

One night I was on the roof of the building when I was joined by Talia. "Marinette, what are you doing up so late at night?" I turned around slowly to look at her. "I'm sorry, I just..needed to clear my head. I will return to my room now. Sorry for..-" But she soon cut me off. "Marinette, I want you to promise me something." I replied, "What's that?" She then looked straight into my eyes, it was like an empty, deep, dark abyss.

"I want you to protect my son, and never leave his side. And I want you to kill for his sake." My eyes widened at her last statement as she walked away. I breathed out as I returned to my room, not even getting an ounce of sleep that night.

By the time he was 13 and I was 12, the league was under attack. Talia led me and Damian as our fellow brothers and sisters risked their lives for our sake. All the was overwhelming. She then took us to a city called Gotham where we were to meet with...Damian's father. Aka, Batman. We arrived as Damian and I would sit behind the curtains of the ship while Talia dealt with the bat.

Damian: Are you scared?

Marinette: U-Uhh...n-no..just shaken is all. I'm fine.

Damian: Assassins should not cower in fear of change. We have weapons and fangs at our disposal. have me and I have you.

I honestly wasn't expecting him to say those things. He then exited through the curtains to speak and meet his father face to face. I took a deep breath then exited and stood behind Talia.

Talia: Oh and one more little detail.

She stepped aside as I peeked my head around to see a tall, dark man in a bat costume. He stared right down at me and it made me anxious and a bit frightened. I walked forward to stand next to Damian.

Batman: Who's this?

Talia: Oh don't look so baffled, she isn't ours. This is Marinette, Damian's fiancé.

And after that he led us off the boat and onto the docks as we turned back to see her taking off. Batman then tapped his belt and the fancy, expensive looking car in a bat theme responded, its overhead roof opening. "I'll drive." Damian spoke. Batman quickly responded 'no' and then we all hopped into the car and soon he drove off. I looked out the window and saw all these tall buildings and skyscrapers that I only read in books back at the league.

We then drove into this underground cave and soon came to a halt at the end. The roof opened once more and we jumped out to meet a butler standing to the side waiting for us.

Damian: Hello Pennyworth.

Alfred: At your service, Master Damian.

Damian: Where are the rest of the servants?

Alfred: I'm... the some total.

Damian: You're a billionaire with only one servant?

Batman: He comes with the place and he's like family.

I looked around and it was all so big and so new. But one thing caught my attention. Steal Bars near the corner of the cave. I quietly walked away and rested my bag on the ground. I jumped up and pulled myself up and onto the bar. I always had this love of high places and for some reason it made me feel...alive. But all things remain the same. Our family is fighting in a war and we are like the last living survivors staying with a vigilante in his mansion.

Things are bound to go downhill from here.

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