A Tough Decision

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Damian finished with his bath as he put on some spare clothing in the cupboards underneath the sink. He threw them on and hurried back to see how Marinette was doing.

He opened her door to see her lying in bed with Tikki sitting on her forehead

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He opened her door to see her lying in bed with Tikki sitting on her forehead. He closed the door which captured Tikki's attention. She flew right over to him explaining the situation with Marinette.

Tikki: She still has a fever and she's really tired and mentally drained

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Tikki: She still has a fever and she's really tired and mentally drained.

Damian: I still don't know what could've caused this.

While they spoke to themselves, Marinette turned to face out of the window looking out into the distance. Sigh...My throat is so dry. Is Shadow Moth going to strike today? If he is then I can't be lying around in bed. But Damian won't let me leave and I still don't know where Luka is. Maybe I can call Chloe. I could...but I can't find my phone! She looked around and found it on her desk. Marinette took one last peek at Damian and Tikki before making my move.

She slowly and quietly got out of bed and went over to her desk but when she got there, it was gone. The f*ck... "Looking for this?" She groaned turning around to see Damian holding it. "What do you need it for?" he asked. She replied, "I would like to call Chloe or Luka. And it's my phone, hand it over." He shook his head taking out his phone calling someone. "Hey..- No, it's not like that..- It's Marinette..- Shut up!..- She wants to know where you are..- Ok, I'll tell her..- Don't Say That, Are You..Hello...Hello!? Tt."

He groaned walking over to her, "He said he's with Tsurugi on a date. He'll be back by tonight for the latest." He then handed Marinette her phone as she snatched it from him. She went back over to her bed and hid under the sheets but soon after there was pressure on it next to her. Light came under the covers as part of it was being lifted up. Damian then looked at her with a brow raised.

Marinette: Put it back down. I would like to rest and the light is too overbearing.

Damian: *rolls eyes* Whatever, Dracula. But you never said I couldn't join you.

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