Closer, The Better

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This morning I felt the sun in my eye. I twisted and turned in my spot, my body didn't want to go anywhere. My chest felt heavy and hot. My entire body felt like the sun and it was very hard to breathe. I tore off the covers that hid my body and barely opened my eyes. My vision was blurry and my head was spinning. I felt like sh*t being torn to pieces in a washing machine. I looked at the door and tried using my psychic abilities to open the door.

It didn't work as I was too weak. I sighed as I laid stationary on the bed, hoping someone would get here soon. I stared up and the fazing ceiling as it swayed right the left then mirrored itself. I slowly lifted my hand in front of my face and it looked a palish white..or was it cream.. I don't know. My head was uneasy and so was my stomach. My hand fell to my side as I looked out the window. Everything went dark..after that.

I noticed that Mari's door was open so I went downstairs to check to see if she was downstairs but only father and Alfred were at the table. I rose a brow going back upstairs to her room, knocking at her door. She didn't answer so I let myself in to see a pale, white, motionless girl lying on the bed breathing heavily. I ran up to her and touch her hand and I immediately got burnt. She was heating up. I felt her forehead, her cheeks dusted with a dark red.

I hurriedly called Alfred and father up and they checked her out. We made a lot of runs trying to get cold water and ice packs to bring her temperature down. She finally managed to open her eyes and steady her breathing about 2 hours later. She looked around very wearily. "What... Why...?" she tried to speak in between her cracked voice. "Mari, you came down with a very high fever. Alfred's making some soup for you so just stay in bed."

She turned her head to look at me as I sat next to her on the edge of the bed. She gave a soft smile them moments after, Alfred came back with the soup. I helped Marinette sit up in her bed as I fed her the soup after shooing everyone out of the room.

They closed the door and when I turned my attention back onto Marinette, she was giggling

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They closed the door and when I turned my attention back onto Marinette, she was giggling. "What's so funny?" I questioned her. She shook her head. I then brushed it off as I took a spoonful of the soup and blew it gently. I reached it forward and Marinette ate it. She smiled, "Delicious..". At that moment, as I looked at her, I swear my face turned red too. And she noticed!

Marinette: Dami, are you ok? Don't tell me you're sick too..-

Damian: U-Uhh..n-no, I'm fine. Are you ok?

Marinette: ...Yeah, afterall, I'm being fed by my future husband and knowing that he blew on my spoon which I just placed in my mouth, made my day.

Damian: Just shut up and eat the damn soup.

She gave out the cutest giggle and my cheeks got darker in colour. I gestured another spoon at her and she stopped and took it. "Sorry Dami, I was only teasing, I swear." I calmed myself before sighing, giving her another spoon. I later rested the empty bowl down on her side table and turned to her. I felt her forehead and neck for temperature and she was still a bit feverish, but it had gone down since then.

I got up, taking one last look at my sick, vampire bride sleeping soundly. I walked over to the bed and caressed her cheek. I then moved her bangs aside and kissed her forehead. I left closing the and handing over the bowl to Alfred.

I sat down at the table and ate my breakfast since I missed it as I was taking care of Marinette

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I sat down at the table and ate my breakfast since I missed it as I was taking care of Marinette. "How is she doing?" I looked at father and shrugged, "She'll be fine. She's resting." Father then got off his seat and spoke, "Damian, I'll be having a guest over later tonight. Keep an eye on Marinette." And with that, he left to get ready. I sighed going up to my room, shutting the door. Later that day, I checked on Marinette then went to father's library.

I was immensely bored out of my mind. I picked one book after the other until I fell asleep on the chair. I then heard father's voice and another voice. A woman's. I got uncomfortable as it sounded as though they were about to kiss. I fake snored as they diverted their attention to me. I stretched and got up and was soon introduced to her as father's warden. She grabbed my cheeks and soon released them rubbing them.

Rude... We shook hands and so she left. Father and I chatted and he snatched the book out of my hand then looked at me accusingly as if I'd done something wrong.

Damian: What did I do this time?

Bruce: Nothin. Just that I tore through Dickens around your age.

He then mention a film, a movie of some sort. He then waltzed over to the telephone on the wall and called Alfred to get some butter-trenched popcorn and to open the screening room. "Ok, but I want my own bowl!" "I think we can afford it." he simply replied.

When it was nightfall I went down to the batcave and found father suiting up as Batman to go out. "Where are you going?" I asked. He answered, "Out." I countered, "What about me?" He grinned, "I got you a sitter." and with that, he pulled over his mask then drove off. I mentally cursed. Grayson came over and then he offered to train. We fought and so he pushed me back. "You're sloppy." I rolled my eyes behind the mask. "No, I'm disinterested."

And with that he lunged forward and we began again. We fought for a while as our weapons were both taken away from us. I took the fight onto the second level and so we went at it again. I felt a pair of eyes watching behind us but I didn't let that distract me. Grayson then slammed me into the costume glass casing with my face against it. I flipped backwards, knocking him in his mouth. He fell back and soon enough, he went over and onto the chair below.

I jumped down behind him and glared. "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Grayson looked confused but someone answered. Marinette, she was swinging on Grayson's bars on the other side of the cave. "I'm not that sick anymore, I feel fine now...'mom'." I grit my teeth as she landed on the ground. She jumped down to meet us and me with my arms folded. "Aww, don't worry Dami. Alfred just checked in on me. He said not too much exercise."

She flashed an innocent smile then turned to Grayson. "Better luck next time, Richard." He got up then asked, "Maybe you and I could go a few rounds, blueberry. I've never really seen you in action before." Marinette grinned, "Unless you want more than one sprained rib thanks to this idiot, then be my guess. My strong point is combat while his is swords-play. You'd be outmatched." And with that she left the cave.

Marinette: Oh and were a bit on the sloppy side...
Are you sure you aren't sick?

Damian: Tt. I'm fine. Just go back to bed.

Marinette: *chuckles* Ok.

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