New Romance

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Third person
Chloe got up and got dressed after taking a shower. She was on her way down to the restaurant to get something to eat but was surprised to see that it was empty except for the table near the window in the corner. It was Tim. She slapped her cheeks at least three times, walking out with a light blush on her cheek. "H-Hey, this seat taken?" He looked up from his phone then nodded. "Didn't think you'd be up this early." She smiled at his comment.

Chloe: You're right, I usually wake up a bit later than this. But this morning, I have to help Marinette with some of her clothes. We'll be doing a photoshoot then we'll go out for lunch.

Tim: Ahh, sounds cool.

Chloe: If you don't mind me asking, why do you drink coffee like 24/7?

Tim: I'm one of those coffee addicts. It also helps me think.

Chloe: Well, if you wanna try new flavours, you could always ask Mari. Funny story, her parents were originally from Paris and they used to work at the bakery that's now closed and for sale.
You should totally ask her, I don't think she'll mind.

Tim: If I'm being honest, I don't think she likes me nor Jaybird that much. She barely even speaks to us.

Chloe: You just need to give her time. She'll eventually grow to respect you but the first thing you need to do is actually talk to her.

Tim: ...Hmm, I'll drink on it.

Chloe: Good. Well, I have to go now. See yah.

She waved leaving the restaurant going down the elevator. Tim focused back on his phone with a smile accompanied by a light blush as he scrolled through his phone looking at pics Luka had sent him of the fun times the four have had in the past..but he was mainly focusing on the blue-eyed blonde.

She got out of her pink limo and walked into the studio. She took the elevator down to the fashion industry part of the building and walked out to see everyone waiting. "Sorry I'm late guys. I got caught up." Everyone turned to her as Marinette came up to her and handed her the outfit. "I think I know why. Now get changed." Chloe blushed then hurried off while the others laughed.

She came back all changed to see everyone else was as well with all the cameras set up. Marinette directed all of them and told them how to pose for the camera. She lined them up, and did their hair, not to mention the shoes. She really knew what she was doing. They took a bunch of pics with different outfits until it was lunch, aka the end of the magazine-cover shoot. She followed Marinette as she wanted to tell her about Tim.

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