You're My Weakness

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Third person
Marinette arrived back at the penthouse and hurried on up to her room. She entered, closing her door but not releasing her grip on the knob. "I know you're there. Come out." She looked behind her to see Damian stand up from behind her bed. "I know I say this a lot but, I wanted to talk...about...everything..." She sighed walking over to him. "Just leave. Please. There's nothing to talk about." she instructed.

Damian: Marinette, I'm...I-I'm just trying to make up for lost time. None of this would've happened if I wasn't so hooked on trying to be the perfect assassin. I felt so guilty about the accident. I-I never wanted you to get hurt.

Marinette: Well I did. But that's all in the past and that's where it belongs. Just go.

Damian: Marinette, before I do, Is what you said to that akuma true? About you not having a happy childhood.

Marinette: To say the least...yes.

Damian: But..-

Marinette: That's enough. Just leave already! There's nothing more to discuss!

Damian: I'm sorry, But I'm not leaving! Not until you..-

Marinette: Fine, You Want To Know More Of What You've Missed For The Past 4 Years Then Listen Closely Because I Will Not Repeat Myself! I Came To Paris And That's How I Met Luka and Jagged Who Later Adopted Me As Family, A Year Later, I Became Known As The Super Heroine Of Paris; Ladybug, A Year Past And That's When The B*tch Came In And Ruined My Life With Her Incessant Lies, More Time Past And Now I'm The Guardian Of The Miracle Box And All The Miraculouses It Contains, Later Lila Started Physically Bullying Me And Continuously Gotten Away With It!


Because I'm Ladybug And I can't Become A Victim Of Shadow Moth, Nor Can I let That Happen To My Ex-Friends And The Ones I Have Now! Yes, I Have Them To Help Me With The Situation, But...I Can't Risk Them Getting Hurt On My Behalf!

Damian looked at her to see her eyes turned a dark red and her teeth grown too. With every yell she kept marching forward until his back was against the wall.

Marinette: And Now To Make Things Even Worse, You And Your Family Know As Well! You Are Now A Possible Target For An Akuma And Shadow Moth And I Won't Be Able To Do Anything To Stop Him!

Damian: I don't see why we can't help..-

Marinette: You And Your Family Can't Help Me! This Isn't Gotham, This Is Paris, This Is Magic!

Damian grabbed her hands and flipped them both around pinning her to the wall. At first she was startled but his was green and the other was red. They looked straight at her, piercing her soul. She immediately stopped as she trembled a bit.

Damian: I get that, Mari! But that doesn't change the fact that we know you're Ladybug! And it's also a possible risk for us because he might find out who we are as well!
Yes, I get it. You're worried for everyone, the people around you, as the burden just get heavier and the weight is too hard to carry. But that's why you have everyone here to help you and pull you up.

She began to let out soft hicks and sniffles as her body followed. She kept her head down, her bangs covering her face. Damian stood wide-eyed as he saw drops of tears fall to the ground, staining the carpet floor. She then spoke in a more hushed tone, loud enough for him to hear.

Marinette: But..That's not it...That's not the problem..
The Problem is, Is That I Don't Want YOU To Get Hurt! Out of everyone here, you're the person I'm most worried for..the person I can't bear to loose!
I can't loose you Damian...I didn't want to loose you back then, and I don't want to say goodbye to you again now...
And you know what still bothers me...? You still can't even answer my question...

His eyes softened and his moth curved into a gentle smile. He then bent down, finding her face and kissed her bringing her face back up. Her eyes shot open in complete disbelief at his sudden action. Her fingers twitched as her hands were held against the wall. Damian then slid his tongue into her mouth. He came closer to her as her head was now touching the wall behind her. His eyes slowly opened to reveal a lustful red to match Marinette's.

He pulled away, locking her lips between his one last time before stopping. Marinette's entire body was warm and weak, she could barely maintain her balance standing up. " more..." she muttered out drained. Damian loosened his grip on her hands as she fell to the ground, him still holding one hand. She covered her mouth with her free hand, panting harshly, her cheeks decorated with a light pink. Damian bent down to meet her then grinned.

Damian: Did that answer your question, habibti?

Marinette: You..could've j-just said yes.

Damian: Yes, I would kill for you even if that means losing everything I have.

Marinette: What's so funny..?

Damian: Nothing, just...It's the first time you said my name since I got here. I'm just really happy, that's all.

He sat down in front of her then lifted her on top of him and pulled her into a hug around her waist. She lightly wrapped her arms around his neck looking the other way. He then turned his head to face her neck as he took in her scent. Marinette felt his warm breath on her neck and knew exactly what he was going to do. He pulled down her sleeve a bit so her neck was fully exposed now. He cupped the opposite cheek, pulling her nearer to him by her waist.

"May I?" he asked pleadingly. There was silence for a moment but then Marinette finally spoke up gulping down her nerves, "Don't overdo it..." He licked the spot which sent shivers down her spine. The next thing she knew, fangs entered her skin. She winced a bit as it had been a while since she had gotten bitten. She let out a few soft breaths then silently moaned. Damian released his hold, licking the spot before his lips. "Just as sweet as I remembered."

She relaxed but was then picked up by Damian (bridal style). He laid her on the bed then sat next to her. "I know this may sound weird, but when are you going to drink my blood?" she immediately faced the other way, avoiding the question. He sighed, "How about we make a little deal? If I get you to drink my blood, you let us help you with Shadow Moth and you'll have to return to Gotham as well."

Marinette rose a brow intrigued, "And if I don't?" she quarried. "We'll all leave Paris and Leave the saving up to you. And to make things a bit more 'fun', I have one week to do so. You in..?" He looked at her with a sneaky grin. She chuckled deeply, "I don't intend to lose to the likes of you. Maybe you should pack your bags right now just in case." Marinette turned around sitting up with her hand held out. Damian got up and shook it firmly. "Oh, it's on."

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