Chapter 20

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Shinobu's POV. Butterfly Estate.

Shinobu: *sigh*

Aoi: Kocho-sama, you've been sighing a lot, is there something wrong?

Shinobu: I'm worried.

Aoi: Worried?

Aoi: ............

Aoi: I see. I think I know who.

Shinobu: Honestly, why of all places.

Aoi: Ah, right. When Saito-san saved me from almost being kidnapped by Uzui-sama.......

Aoi: We heard about the place of their mission.

Shinobu: The Yoshiwara District, huh?

Shinobu: Inei told me some stories about the district a few years ago.

Shinobu: When he said that place is dangerous for women such like me.........

Shinobu: His face is always filled with dread.

Aoi: What is in the Red Light District anyway?

Shinobu: You're too young to know. But Inei told me something.

Shinobu: "A place where love and hate are being stirred. A place filled with forbidden desires."

Aoi: It seems like he knows what is happening there.

Shinobu: As someone who was travelling all over Japan, his experience is something that the other nine hashira wouldn't want to experience.

Shinobu: But still, I can't help but be worried.

Aoi: You worry too much about him. Are you sure that you're worried about him being killed by a demon?

Shinobu: That's not what I'm worried about!

Shinobu: I'm worried because........

Aoi: Because............?

Shinobu: How should I put this.........?

Shinobu: The Red Light District is a place full of beautiful girls.

Aoi: ............

Aoi: I that's what you're worried about.

Aoi served me a cup of tea.

Aoi: Saito-san wouldn't even dare.

Aoi: He's totally faithful to you.

Shinobu: You're right. I shouldn't doubt him.

Shinobu: Of course, there is no way that Inei would lie to me.

I just can't help but smile, as I remember the day where he saved me and nee-san on that night.

Where I was being carried by him, when I was crying non-stop until he told me.

"Everything happens for a reason. You can't just cry forever. You have to wipe those tears and move forward."

"Do not let your parents' sacrifice go to waste. They gave up their lives, so that you and your sister can live on."

"That's why, as much as hard it is, we got to move forward."

"This world is cruel, yet it is still beautiful."

The Butterfly and the Shadow (Shinobu x OC) Where stories live. Discover now