Valentine Chapter (Modern Era AU)

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Inei's POV. Saito Residence.

Ah, right. It's Valentine's Day.

It's that time of the year again.

Maya: Inei, are you awake?

I heard my sister's voice even from downstairs.

Inei: Yes! I'm just fixing my bed and preparing my bag.

Maya: Okay~

After tidying my room. I grabbed my bag and my school uniform. I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

Inei: By the way, nee-chan.

Maya: Hm?

We're eating breakfast together while watching the morning news.

Inei: Do you have any plans on giving any chocolate for someone?

Maya: Pfffft!

She almost spits her coffee.

Maya: *cough* *cough*

Inei: N-Nee-chan!? Are you alright!?

Maya: I'm fine........

Inei: Maybe I should've not asked.

After finishing my morning routine. I'm ready to go to school. Since it was cold outside, I decided to wear my favorite scarf. Nee-chan knitted this scarf for when I was still a baby and I'm still using the scarf since then.

Nee-chan is actually the school nurse of school were I'm studying at.

Apparently, she's popular among the boys and girls. I even heard rumors that some students will intentionally get themselves injured just to get a reason to go at the infirmary.

And a lot of boys even asked me on how to woo my sister but, I shrugged them off.

I just asked that question earlier because she's popular and she created a lot of obligatory chocolates, right?

But, yeah, nee-chan has other things in mind like helping me in choosing a university to take in college.

When I arrived at school I just went ahead to my classroom, until.......

Two of my underclassmen, Tanjiro and Zenitsu came running towards me.

Tanjiro: Saito-senpai!

Zenitsu: WAIT A SEC!

I stopped on my tracks.

Inei: Kamado-kun, Agatsuma-kun, what's the matter?

Tanjiro: Zenitsu is asking for advice.

Inei: Advice?

Zenitsu: On how to get a girl give you a chocolate on Valentine's day.

Inei: .............

Tanjiro: ...............

Zenitsu: ...................

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