Chapter 6

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Inei's POV. Butterfly Mansion.

I let out a sigh and quietly drank my tea as I finish my story.

Shinobu: So, what Himejima-san said was true..........

I put down the tea cup, quietly swallowed the tea before I began talking.

Inei: Yes. After all, he was already a pillar during that time.

Inei: Not only him.

Inei: Uzui-san was a demon slayer during that time.

Inei: I met him when I joined him on a mission.

Inei: Then, after a month, I was being offered to become a Hashira, but I respectfully decline, all because I wanted to have some experience first.

Inei: "You wouldn't want to have an inexperienced Hashira among you, right?"

Inei: That was my reasoning.

Inei: After a year, that is where I became a pillar.

Inei: But before that, I managed to slay all the Lower Rank Moons of the Twelve Kizuki.

Shinobu: I don't know if I'll believe that story when Himejima-san told your story but........

Shinobu: How did he know?

Inei: Kagaya-sama and Gyomei-san are the only ones whom I can trust with delivering my reports.

Inei: And it was always backed up with Kagaya-sama's crow as Kagaya-sama himself that his crow be paired with mine so that there will be backing evidence.

Shinobu: So, Oyakata-sama knew it all along.

Inei: I wouldn't be surprised if Kagaya-sama knows.

I slowly stood up, grabbed my haori that was hanging on a haori rack.

Inei: I'll be going for a walk for the meantime.

Shinobu: Hm, you don't really have any injuries, you're just exhausted and all.......

Shinobu: How long have you been travelling ever since Oyakata-sama gave you those orders?

Inei: Let's see........

Inei: After two years, I met the family that Kagaya-sama wanted me to protect.

Inei: I lived with them for a year.

Inei: Then I bid my farewell to them.......

Inei: Another couple of years passed........

Inei: I went back to the family and found them dead, while the two remaining members are missing.

Shinobu: .............

Inei: That's why, after I rest, I will find them.

Shinobu: ..........

Shinobu: You're going away once more?

Inei: Yes.

Shinobu: ..............

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