Chapter 42

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Inei's POV.

The end of the long journey.........

Kanao successfully injects the medicine to Tanjiro and as for Tanjiro, he slowly reverted back, to being human as the drug took effect.

I slowly lay him down, as Nezuko, Kanao, Zenitsu, Tomioka-san, Shinobu, Inosuke, and some of the Kakushis formed a crowd us.


Tanjiro slowly opens his eyes, his right eye, having a pale color, meaning it got blind, and as for the left arm, it's like a withered plant.

But nonetheless, Tanjiro woke up.

And with a smile, I greeted him.

Inei: Welcome back, Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Nii-san, Nezuko........

And a cheer erupts as Tanjiro finally wakes up.

Tanjiro: How are your injuries?

Inei: No need to worry about our injuries.......

Kanao who is holding his hand.........bursts into tears.

Kanao: Thank the gods..........

Tanjiro: Kanao..........

Everyone bursted to tears, including myself........

And I guess I can finally say, it's over........

I finally fell but Shinobu immediately caught me as I heard these words from her.

Shinobu: Job well done, Inei.


Three Hours Later. Butterfly Estate.

I opened my eyes and I found myself at one of the rooms at the Butterfly Estate.

I slowly sat up on the bed and I saw Shinobu, sleeping beside the bed.

Inei: I see, it seems like everyone brought me here.

Inei: Thank you, Shinobu.

And I slowly jumped out from my bed. I saw Shinobu still sleeping soundly. So I quietly picked her up, put her in bed, and tucked the blanket.

I gently kissed her forehead.

Inei: Good job as well, Shinobu.

I went out of my room and I ran into Maya-neechan who suddenly embraced me when she saw me.

Maya: Thank the gods you're alive!

Inei: I promised that.........and I never break my promises, no matter what.

Maya-neechan leads me to the main hall as everyone is busy treating those who were wounded in battle. I also asked her about Tanjiro and she said that he's asleep..........

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