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Kinda tharntype..ok not KINDA
..lessss goooooo

Taehyung hated GAYS and nobody ever knew why,he had a friend jimin who was friends with him since highschool,but taehyung never told him why he HATED gays,jimin always tried to make him understand that he was being narrow minded..but would never listen

"WHATTT? Jimin u gotta be kidding me...sooo..the person I've been living wuth for whole TWO WEEKS..MY ROOMATE..IS gay?"

Said tae agressively slamming the locker door

"Why would i lie tae?🙄"
An obvious response
"So you wanna switch rooms now?"


"man!ur insane..u ain't getting any room exchange.."

After asking for almost everyone if they'd like to switch room..and after that failure...tae returned to his dorm just to meet a DAYUM HAWT joon sitting on the edge of the bed .. looking like a whole meal just in his boxers..as he had just got out of the shower... having his abs full on display (y'all bold for namjoon cause im lazzyyy)

"Hey?! You back?"

"Ya can't u see?"


"You know what lemme get this straight....UR GAY?"


What do u mean "so?" Huh? I .hate.gays..i don't wanna live with you anymore..just get another room

And...why should I? HUH? Don't be homophobic man.. we'll if u still have a problem u go, it's not my fault that I'm gay.

Tae in mind: I'll find ways kim.namjoon ..just wait

.......NeXt dAy.......

"Leave me"



Yupp ..tae was having a nightmare... actually just some memories....this happened every now and then and then tae would fall sick

Namjoon had Just had a quick shower as todays classes were cancelled he was going chill out ..until he heard tae.... taehyung was sweating, breathless namjoon rushed towards him and realised he also had fever

"Ooh no.... he's ill with fever...heyyyy wake up...."

Namjoon said while shaking tae in an attempt to wake him up and after loads of effort tae finally woke up

NOOOO!!..they-they're bad...don leave me alone!!

Tae said while hugging namjoon as tightly as he could

I'm not going anywhere..shhhh calm down tae

Said namjoon while hugging tae back and trying to calm him down

To the 18 people reading....do y'all like it?????? I'll continue!🌟

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