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Arrange marriage.
Namjoon and Hobi were not against it.
Marrying a best friend isn't a bad decision after all.
Is what the world could see from the outside.
Friends getting married right?

Both Namjoon and Hoseok come from families deeply involved in international relations. Their families arranged the marriage as a way to strengthen diplomatic ties between their respective countries, using the union as a symbol of harmony and understanding between cultures.

So basically the marriage wasn't that much of a big deal it wasn't like they hated eachother or something.


"So y'all are getting married,and want us to get married too?"

Said Jungkook their bf of three years.

Lemme tell you the situation.
Namjoon,hobi and jungkook were in a relationship where namjoon and hobi were dating since five years and then they both fell in love with jungkook their parents friends kid.

The secrecy of their relationship was maintained throughout so nobody knew and the world just thought of this marriage as "to strengthen the diplomatic ties"
They knew all if the three moved in together because obviously

Back to the story.

"I wanna get married to both of you"
Said a tiny muffled voice of hobi cuddled up to kook.

"Baby ik maybe we can talk to our parents and tell them everything?"

Namjoon said as he joined the cuddling session on the bed.

"Will it be fine?"
Jungkook asked with teary eyes.

"Don't worry kiddo"
Namjoon said ruffling his hair.

"The marriage is like a year away so let's just subtly reveal our relationship "

Hobi said being sassy making the other two chuckle.

It was mutually decided that now they all will drop the efforts of hiding their relationship.

"Baby go freshen up with jungkook come on get up"
Namjoon said as he was cooking, looking at hobi ,sleepy sitting on the counter who just nodded and got down but soon enough was picked up by jungkook.

"Hyung, I'll run a bath cook later"
Jungkook whined and pouted with a semi sleepy hobi in his arms who still managed to smile at his cute tricks.

"Sure baby go ahead I'll be there"
Namjoon said removing the apron and washing his hands.

So here they were in the bathtub with jungkook leaning back on namjoon's chest and hobi leaning back on jungkook's chest.
God was he so sleepy that day he couldn't keep his eyes open.
"Hyungie why so sleepy today?"
Jungkook asked to which namjoon agreed aswell
"I was just thinking about us yesterday"
Hobi started
"It's gonna be fine love don't stay up with these thoughts in your mind,come to us if you wanna stay up uk"


"Ok I'm sorry -"
Namjoon tried to cover up but jungkook interrupted

"Vibrators need to be charged?"

"I'll get back to you soon"namjoon replied leaving hobi in a shock of how did he get himself here with these crackheads.

"Mom-Dad, Aunty Jeon,Uncle Jeon , Uncle Jung and my dear sweetheart"

Said Namjoon looking at all the elders seating on the big ass couch in his living room,uhm yes he called hoseok's morher sweetheart it was because of a lame 'ya mama would like me call her that' joke they had in highschool.

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