20.continued namjin/namkook

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The funeral had everyone sobbing looking at how pale and lifeless Namjoon looked it was not shocking though.They were highschool sweethearts,the couple that everyone admired so all of this was unexpected.
Namjoon tried his best to hold back tears, but the grief weighed heavily on his heart. He couldn't help but think about Jin's last words and promises they made to each other
Going home after the funeral was what  concerned his friends he looked pale and weak with tear stains all over his face.

The decision was made that they all will accompany him to his house,give him some time alone but not leave him alone in that house because they all knew what he must be thinking of doing and they didn't want to lose another of their best friend.

Yoongi opened the door and walked in a blank joon with just pain in his eyes.
Jimin and hoseok helped him walk towards the couch while Tae and jungkook arranged the food that they got and now had to feed Namjoon because they all knew he did not eat.

"Y'all don't have to wait"
Namjoon said,voice hoarse from all the crying.

"But we will,we can.Joonie we all know what you're going through and definitely cannot feel what you feel but we know -"

Yoongi, who had been standing nearby, stepped in to continue Jimin's words. "We know it's incredibly hard, Joonie. But you're not alone in this. We're here for you, no matter what. You don't have to go through this pain by yourself."

Namjoon, his eyes still red from tears, managed a faint smile. "Thank you, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Hoseok handed him a tissue, and Jungkook brought a tray of food over. "Here, Joonie, you need to eat something," Jungkook gently in m
Namjoon reluctantly took a small bite, realizing he hadn't eaten since the funeral. The food tasted like cardboard, but he appreciated the gesture. It was a small comfort in the middle of his overwhelming grief
As they sat there together, surrounded by the love and support of their friends, Namjoon began to feel a glimmer of hope. He knew that healing would take time, but having his friends by his side made him believe that he could find a way to navigate this painful journey.

Thank you, all of you," Namjoon whispered, tears welling up again. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Yoongi placed a reassuring hand on Namjoon's shoulder. "We're family, Joonie. We're here for you, always."

With their friends' unwavering support, Namjoon started to see that although he had lost the love of his life, he still had a family of friends who cared deeply for him and would be there to help him through the darkest days.

The atmosphere in the living room was somber as Namjoon sat with his friends, trying to eat a little and share some stories about Jin to remember the good times. However, grief still loomed heavy over the room, and no one could truly escape the pain of their loss.

After some time, Namjoon excused himself, mentioning that he needed to change out of his funeral attire.
His friends nodded understandingly, giving him a moment of privacy. But just as he reached his room, a loud thud echoed through the house.

Alarmed, his friends exchanged worried glances and quickly followed the sound, concern etched across their faces. They found Namjoon sitting on the floor, surrounded by a scattering of objects, but their eyes were drawn to the letter in his trembling hands.

Namjoon was hunched over, tears streaming down his face as he read Jin's heartfelt words once more. His sobs were loud and heartbreaking, echoing the deep pain he felt. His friends rushed to his side, trying to comfort him as best they could.

Hoseok knelt down beside him and put a gentle hand on Namjoon's shoulder. "Joonie, it's okay. We're here for you."

Jimin picked up a fallen photo frame and set it back on the table, his eyes filled with sympathy. "We understand, Joon. It's hard, but we're here to support you."

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