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Bottom -tae

Soooooooo It's one of those arrange marriage things uk,but well here they knew they somewhat liked eachother also might be the reason they gave in easily to marry eachother.Though both of them doubted if the other liked them ....They won't miss the chance to be close.
It was a week later after their marriage,They were supposed to be on their honeymoon that their family and friends planned for them but Jungkook postponed it saying he'd some very important deal going on, welll now that is what he SAID what he meant was he wanted to be a lil more comfortable with his "husband" in his house with some people around them.. then being alone.
Tae didn't mind it he got some time to "prepare " he never knew what was to come.

"What all do we need?"
Jungkook spoke on the phone while sitting on the corner of his office desk looking outside the window seeing those city lights.
"I'm telling you I'll get it -"
Tae tried to protest.
"Text me the things I'm supposed to get ,I'll be home in 30 minutes"
"Why are you so stubborn?"
Tae said visibly shocked
"Thanks bye... I've to get the groceries"
"sure.i'll send you the list
After hanging up the phone jk just wondered why he stuttered at the "yea" he ain't afraid of his wif-husband.
The list-
He again dailed tae and after a few rings he FINALLY picked up
"What do you mean by just veggies...SPECIFY at least."
"Ehehe i told you I'll go"
Jk sighs
I'll be home in a few we'll go
"Heyyy noo-"
And jk hanged up
He drove his car to his house just imagining the joy he'll have after seeing his husband after a long day of work.
At homeeee-

"Freshen up first kookie"
That nickname was pretty normal for tae and he used it often but stillll the EFFECT it had on jk was constant.

Jk came back changing into pretty casual clothes and sat down on the dinning table.

"Areee youuu donee taeee??"
Tae said coming downstairs
"Wow we're going to get gRoCeRiEs TOGETHER..good date idea"
Tae said to which jk just chuckled
And said
" It's fine for now right? We're having our honeymoon in a couple of days" which made tae blush as they were walking out
And he suddenly spoke
"We don't need to get alot of veggies then, they'll be spoiled.
"Ooh yea...so smort baby"
Jk swears it took all of his courage to call tae 'baby'
"Oh yea babyyy"
Tae said ..kinda teasing
"Let's go nowww babyyy"
Jk imitated.
After getting stuff or let's say after tae rejecting stuff jk wanted to get and the workers cooing at them they sat in the car with a pouty jungkook getting ready for the drive home.
"Why on earth would you want duck shaped erasers??"
"They were cute TAE".
"UGH you're really mad at me huh?"
And there was no response.
Jk parked the car got out,saw his husband struggling ,so took both the bags from his hand,went inside stomping his feet like a toddler who's been denied to get something from the toys section and tae just following him wondering how can someone so "manly" be so cuteeee.
[S i m p]






"Bun stop sulking!"

Ok,now thattt ... Made jk turn his head towards his husband who was leaning on the door frame while he(jk) (pretended) to work.

"Bun ehehehe "

He thought (lmao)

Jk replied(trying to sound annoyed)

Suprise suprise mf ehehe

Tae walked over to kooks desk making him frown he went towards jk and VERY SURPRISINGLY sat on his lap.
I mean you fucking married your crush for nothing huh?



"I swear I'm not a creep just wanted to kiss you since highschool"
Tae said not even looking up

"Don't tell me..omg tae I've had a crush on you since highschool"

"Whattt? I mean ME TOO"

Don't leave the door open u guys..yea

"Kidsss i got yall some pineapple brea- nevermind"

"MOM" Jk almost screamed with tae QUICKLY standing up

"Uhmm i just wanted to suprise you the maid said y'all were upstairs y'all should've locked the door atleast "

"Aunty it's not what it looks like we were just-"

"It's fine tae.. y'all are married "

"Mom...you should've informed atleast "

"What? Inform that I'm suprise visiting you?huh?"
Jungkook's mom said now at the kitchen counter cutting up some pineapple bread and feeding it to tae sitting on the stool not caring about what just happened upstairs.

"Hey hey let's get pizzzzaaa"
Tae said out of nowhere
"Sure ba-uhm tae"
Jk said walking towards the couch.

"Ooh y'all have fun i need to leave"

Tae said before jk could even speak

"I need to walk my fish uk very importantu"


Tae said pouting while in a flash of a second mom disappeared.
"Wait what?"
Jk said looking at tae who just realised it

"Ooh- woah"

Jungkook sat down besides tae and spoke
"So where were we btw?"

"I love you,you love me i gues-"

"I DO I DO" jk yelled cutting tae off to which tae just chuckled.

"Soooo what now?"

"Early honeymoon baby? 😙😉😏"

"Ooi shut up😚"


"I'm really sleepy"

"Oooh ok babyy"
And with that Jk picks tae up and takes him to the bedroom,lays him down .

"Good night bun"

Tae said pecking his lips

"Bun sounds so bottom..bot for me😏"

"We'll see that later bun"

Long time no seeeeee
The next "honeymoon" part soon
Lord gimme the strength to write smut🥲
Till then....... voteee and comment 💗
Love y'all
Y'all know...my friends call me biscuit.
Because of an incident tho.
But yeah

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