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"a-ah omg there-ngh"
Moaned jimin as he was being fucked senselessly by two of his "close friends"
This all started when they were playing truth and dare to kill time.

"Truth or dare minnie?"
Tae asked smirking at his bestfriend
Jimin replied being confident in his choice.
"Kiss both of us"
Jungkook said folding his hands over his chest.
A chuckle left Taehyung's mouth thinking how jimin would not do this though he had fantasized about it.
But to his surprise jimin leaned in towards him making Tae's smile drop and the next moment jimin's lips met his and he left a quick peck .

Was what Tae was but still managed to look at jungkook who also was being "kissed" by jimin.

Tae came out of his trance when he heard jungkook say

"That's a peck,just a peck jimin not fair"

Jimin looked towards a tomato faced Tae,smirked and said-

"Well you think he can handle anything more rn??"

Tae without wasting any time pulled jimin onto his chest making jimin gasp.

He was quick enough to fold his legs and make jimin sit on his lap.
Tae looked and jimin who was looking into Tae's eyes with adorable hint of curiousity.

"Baby don't test me yea? I've craved for u and kookie since the day I decided to be friends with you,i didn't join the music club for nothing"

Saying that Tae motioned jungkook to come near and slowly leaned in to kiss jungkook who gladly kissed his "bestie" back.
His make out session was disturbed with the jimin whining on his lap making jungkook smile.

Tae swiftly caught jimins lips between his slightly biting his lower lip making jimin moan.
Jimin pulled out of that hot kiss just to kiss tf outta jk.

"Chill out baby"

Jungkook said pulling out of the kiss to get some much needed oxygen which was definitely something jimin whined bout.

"What are we?"
Tae finally asked,as he was almost on jk' s lap cuddling on the couch while jimin rested on jungkook's chest his hand caressing his chest like they're some soft toy.

Jungkook paused the movie and looked at both of them.
"For now let's not put any labels yea? That doesn't mean I don't like y'all it's just we'll take time to figure everything out"

Jimin just hummed and then replied.
"Kookie ,Tae iloveyall"
The other two just laughed at the said cutie

As their laughter subsided, Jimin snuggled closer to Jungkook, feeling a sense of warmth and contentment enveloping him. Taehyung gently stroked Jungkook's hair, a soft smile playing on his lips as he looked at the two people who had become so important to him.

"Hey, let's make a pact," Taehyung suggested, his eyes gleaming with sincerity. "No matter what happens, let's always be there for each other, okay? Through the ups and downs, we stick together."

Jimin and Jungkook exchanged a glance before nodding in agreement. "Absolutely," Jimin affirmed, his voice filled with determination. "We're a team."

Jungkook leaned in to press a kiss to Jimin's forehead, his heart swelling with affection for the two people beside him. "I love you guys," he whispered, his voice barely above a murmur.And in that moment, as they sat intertwined on the couch, they knew that whatever the future held, they would face it together, bound by a bond that went beyond labels or expectations. They were more than just friends; they were soulmates, united by love and shared experiences, ready to conquer whatever challenges came their way.

Back to present
Here was jimin getting two cocks in his ass.
But sad he wouldn't be able to finish
Because he was getting punished.
Punished for not studying and touching himself all night long in the study room yesterday,while his boyfriends were just in the other room.

Jungkook didn't have alot of rules but one of the major one was

Not to touch yourself without permission

And jimin did exactly that.

As jimin was approaching his high jungkook pulled out making him feel a bit empty
Tae was still going at it.

Jk got a cock ring from the bedside table and slipped it on their sub making him whine and wince.

"Will you ever go against the rules baby?"
Tae asked in a deep voice while jk was lubing his hole.
"N-nhah daddy n-neverr"
Jimin tried to reply

Kook was fingering Tae which led to him make those lewd sounds.
Tae had almost gotten him  thrusting into jimin and jk thrusting his fingers in him in a pace when-

Jungkook entered Tae without any warning.

Tae stood still , various gasps leaving his mouth the pleasure was unbearable and jimin begging for a release wasn't helping.

After a few sloppy thrusts he came deep into jimin.
And jimin was left there full to the brim,Tae still deep into him, with an aching boner.

Jungkook 's pace increase and Tae rolled his eyes back.
He somehow managed to ge a hold of Jimin's cock and started rubbing the tip while giving him a handjob.
"Daddiesssssss ah-nhhggh-AAAAH"
Jimin almost screamed,while tears brimmed hims pretty brown eyes.

It was too much for the boy.Tae playing with his cock,also Tae's cock moving deep in him because of jungkook's inhuman pace and that damn vibrating vock ring.

Jungkook smacked jimin's ass and said.

"Even if this is done,you definitely are getting spanked ok?"

"Y-yes sir" is all that jimin said.

Tae swiftly removed the cock ring making jimin come on his hand with a moan,as he came in jimin once again.

"Just a bit babies"

Jungkook said and with one last wild thrust came in tae

All three of them laid on the bed,Jimin sandwiched between the two.
Jungkook was the first one to get up.
He picked Jimin up and laid him on his lap on his stomach,ass up.

Jungkook instructed
Jimin was too deep in subspace and very very tired so he only nodded but said

"Wan Tae tae to hold me pweaseeee dadaaa"

Tae got up looking at jk with pleasing eyes and just recieved a nod in response.

Tae sat on the tile floor,legs folded, only in his boxers, holding jimin's hands ready to say sweet things to him.
There landed a spank on jimin's ass
Fresh tears threatened to brim his eyes.

Jimin sniffled

Towards almost 20 jimin was wailing.
"N-nineteen dada hwurts"
Jungkook looked at Tae as he trued to calm jimjn down

"You're doing so great baby just one more yeaaa daddy's almost done yea?"

And jk just nodded and landed the last one


Jimin sobbed jk quickly turned him over snuggling him, rubbing his bottom lightly
"Baby never disobey dada ok?"
Jimin just sniffled and nodded.

Tae was back with the ointment.
Smoothly applying it while jungkook also caressed his bottom

The little once wincing time to time trying to fall asleep.
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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