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"So you're telling me you asked him his permission to court him?"

"Uhmm mhm"

"And he said you can because you'll be 'sucessful?'"

"Uhm hmm"


"Yaa hobi hyung stop eating so loudly it's something serious going on here"

Jimin said as the three sat at a table in the cafeteria.

"So what are you going to do?"
Hobi asked as he offered the snacks to the two.

"Court him,duh"

Jungkook answered as it seemed obvious.

"Aish you dumbo he means what are you going to do as in"court"him?"

Jimin said while a very done wuth life hobi i nodded.

"Uhmm prolly go watch his basketball match today and I'll meet him too"
Jungkook said standing up walking towards the basketball court.

The game was going to start in a few minutes so jungkook walked towards the lockers.

The sight was what made him stare.

There was yoongi with his bateybavk facing jungkook as he talked to one of the players.

With all the might jungkook called-
"Yoongi hyung"
Yoongi tured around and smiled.

"Hey kookie,what are you doing here?

"Following you,to see you because i miss you"

"Kid, It's like you're in love with me or something " yoongi said scoffing

"I am."jungkook replied in a tone that 'ofc i am'

"What?"yoongi asked confused


"Jungkook trust me I'm not good at relationships yes i like you i mean duh but i thought you just wanted to sleep with me"
Yoongi said all in one breath.

"Hyung no don't say tha-"
Jungkook was cut off mid sentence.

"Kook are you sure of what you're saying?"
Jungkook stood there, stunned by Yoongi's words. He couldn't believe what he had just heard, and his heart sank. He didn't want Yoongi to think that he was only interested in a physical relationship. Taking a deep breath, he gathered his thoughts and replied, "Hyung, it's not like that at all. Yes, I find you attractive, but that's not the only reason I want to be with you. I genuinely like you for who you are."

Yoongi looked at Jungkook, his expression softening slightly, but he still seemed guarded. "Look, Kook, I've been hurt before in relationships, and I don't want to go through that again. I don't want to be just another fling for you."

Jungkook took a step closer to Yoongi, his eyes earnest. "I promise you, hyung, that's not what I want. I want to get to know you better, spend time with you, and see where things go. I'm not looking for a casual thing"

"You sure?"
Yoongi asked

"Yes hyung"
Jungkook replied helplessness in his voice.

Time skip

Yoongi and jungkook are close now as it has been 3 weeks since the incident
They don't know what to call this relationship.
A situationship?

As the weeks passed, Yoongi and Jungkook found themselves spending more and more time together. They enjoyed each other's company, laughing, sharing stories, and supporting each other in their respective pursuits. The connection between them grew stronger with each passing day.

Yet, despite their closeness, they hadn't defined their relationship. They both knew they had feelings for each other, but they hesitated to put a label on it. They feared that defining it might put unnecessary pressure on them or make things complicated.
One evening, as they were walking together, Jungkook decided it was time to have a serious conversation about where they stood. He took a deep breath and said, "Hyung, I think we need to talk about us."

Yoongi nodded, looking serious. "Yeah, I was thinking the same. I don't want to keep things ambiguous between us."

Jungkook took a moment to gather his thoughts. "I care about you a lot, Yoongi. And I want us to be more than just friends, but I also understand your fears about relationships. So, let's take this at our own pace. No pressure, no labels, just us getting to know each other better."
Yoongi looked relieved at Jungkook's understanding. "You're right. I don't want to rush into anything, but I also don't want to lose what we have. I like you, Jungkook, and I'm willing to see where this goes."

Jungkook smiled, happy to hear Yoongi's words. "That's all I want, too. Let's take it slow and enjoy each other's company without any expectations. We'll figure things out together."

And so, they decided to continue their "situationship" without trying to fit it into any predefined category. They were content with the way things were progressing naturally, allowing their bond to grow organically.

As time went on, their trust in each other deepened, and they found comfort in knowing that they were both committed to making things work. They supported each other through good and bad times, knowing that they had something special, even without a label.

Their friends noticed the change in their dynamics, and Hobi and Jimin couldn't help but tease them about their "not-quite-relationship." However, they respected their decision to take things at their own pace.

With every passing day, Yoongi and Jungkook found themselves falling deeper in love. The bond they shared was built on trust, understanding, and genuine care for each other. It might not have a conventional label, but it was a relationship that was meaningful and real to them.

And so, their journey together continued, knowing that they had each other's backs and that their feelings were mutual. They were excited to see where life would take them and what the future held for their unique love story.

No much details.
I'm kinda not satisfied with it.
But there you goo

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