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Joon was in the kitchen baking some cupcakes for his love ...as they had a day off... and yes joon had made a complete mess in the kitchen...tae entered the kitchen and sighed

"Yaaah-namjoon ah ..so much of mess"

"You see the mess but not my love??*dramatic gasp*"

"Aish! I didn't mean that joonie.. it's just that I've to clean thus now.. well it smells good tho"

Tae said putting some utensils in the sink.

"Hopefully they taste good too."
Namjoon said just looking at the oven.

"Hey what's on your face?"
Taehyung said trying to wipe off the whipped cream around namjoon's lips that he 'tasted' because you never know you might mess up whipped cream uk.

Namjoon took it as an opportunity and pulled Taehyung closer to him, grabbing his waist.

"Tae Taeeeee~"
Taehyung squinted his eyes acting all confused.

"You look so hot in tank tops "
Namjoon said snaking his other hand a bit into tae's top.

"I-i wear them almost everyday at home"
Tae said still looking deep into namjoon's eyes trying to ignore what his husband is doing.

"Oh yes and i love it"
Namjoon said nuzzling his face into tae's neck.


"What, it's been awhile since weve done itttt ughhh"
Namjoon whined his face still in tae's neck.
"You were baking?"

As soon as namjoon heard that he quickly pressed the button to turn the oven off.
"I can do it later"
Namjoon said looking at tae with the 'anything else?'glare

"It's not like I don't want to get fucked but so much of work to do-"

Tae was cut off mid sentence by a stern faced namjoon.

"That's what's happening daily.
We get up ,we work,we kiss a bit,we get tired ,we cuddle,we sleep that too in different rooms sometimes,yes I don't wanna disturb you by the lights but that doesn't mean i don't want to sleep holding you close.
Now uk it's not about fucking it's about us , it's about how busy we've been and how we might drift apart this way, we've started to appreciate and Show affection a little less than before. You realise? I just wanted to spend some time with you,show how much i love you ,make love to you and just be with you today because this might be the first non-busy weekend evening since month for us,And that too i was busy half of the day today aswell"

Realisation got Taehyung as he listened to the said man calmly.

"We need a break from this life uk?"
Tae said smiling at the way namjoon quickly nodded at it.

"We went on a vacation literally on our honeymoon that's it, and it's be 2 years."

Namjoon said,melting at the way his husband pouted at the sentence.

"So a vacation?"
Tae asked tilting his head internally praying that he gets sone leaves
From his workplace.

"Yup bubba,a vacation where do you wanna go hmm?"

And almost six hours later.
Tae has a checklist of what all they need to pack, neatly packed luggages, namjoon has already booked two tickets to jeju island now it's not his fault if their leave doesn't get sanctioned and Tae's straddling namjoon cupping his face and telling him how they cannot fuck tonight tho namjoon said it's urgent.

"Baby~ we've a early morning flight
And we beed to wake up right?"
Tae said trying not to laugh at the "pretending to be angry joon"who's also trying to ignore Tae.

"Ok,sleep without your good night kiss then"
Tae said getting up as ge got no response but was harshly pulled back by namjoon holding him so close like someone's going to take him away.

"Nwoooo! Gimme a kiss RN"
and who was tae to deny.
They pulled out and Namjoon picked tae up making him sit on his lap feeding him the cupcakes he baked along with the dinner tae made.

Tae moaned into satisfaction when he had a bite.
"Woah this is so good jonnie."

The dinner felt lively today as it wasn't just them feeding and talking to each other like everyday but also knowing that they're going to spend time together and not just go off and work like every day.

"Tae you know we've a flight and you were the one reminding me, remember?"

Namjoon said as he was stopping Tae who was trying hard to unbutton namjoon's shirt.

"I'm so excited for tomorrow I can't sleep, and this has always helped.
You never said no before.
In fact this was so regular, tho it's not
Now,but so you'll deny me?
You don't love me anymore."
Tae said giving his best puppy eyes.

"It makes you sleep and puts me into trouble.
Ugh okok not those eyes"
Namjoon saud mumbling the first part.

Tae giggled happily like a child and unbuttoned three of namjoon's pajama shirt's buttons, latching onto one of his nipples, sucking in contentment.
Namjoon left a couple of muffled moans nit being able to keep them to himself.
Don't blame him.
Tae was sucking like his life depended on it.
“ B-bubba slow down a b-bit”
Tae just hummed slowing down a bit.
Namjoons arms securely wrapped around tae's waist as younger had
His face nuzzled into his chest sucking on his buds like a baby.
It had been 15 minutes and Namjoon removed his hand from tae's waist in an attempt to button up his shirt.

Tae said looking up at namjoon and glaring at him.

"Bubba it's enough let's just sleep now yea?"
Namjoon said trying to sound as 'not sleepy' as much as possible.

"I'll sleep I promise,uk this will help me sleep."
Namjoon was listening to what tae was saying but still did button up one of the buttons,which made tae frown and turn around to the other side of the bed.

"I'm never ever again talking to you,i don't wanna go on any vacation and your such a meanie."

That was enough for Namjoon to grab Tae.
Namjoon put his hand between tae's legs and hooked it till his tummy and pulling him closer.

"Hmm...if you'll sleep... it's fine ig."

Never did Namjoon see Tae being so quick he turned around and unbuttoned Namjoon's shirt asap again going on and latching his mouth to his bud.

Another 20 minutes later Namjoon realised that the grip of tae's mouth had losened around his bud just to see Tae sleeping soundly pouting around his nipple.

Namjoon kissed Tae on his crown and said-
"It's going to be so much fun tae,i love being like this with you."

This book has alot of two shots ik.
Ps-they got the permission for their holidays btw.
Also ig u wanna upload every two days if possible.

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