21.Namkook continued

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It took jungkook a while to settle in namjoon's room he was surprised to see how the room did not have the pictures on the wall of namjin,was namjoon really trying that hard?

Namjoon entered the room while drying his hair as jungkook was on his phone as he had also just fresened up.

"It's late ,you should sleep"
Namjoon said his voice felt like he had just cried which went unnoticed by jungkook.

Is all jungkook replied.

The two ends of the bed had the two of them curled up respectively.
One of the end had Namjoon overthinking and it definitely leading him to the wrong path and the end had Jungkook smiling to himself thinking about how cool it was to see namjoon try and move on.

Namjoon's thoughts-

How can i replace Jin? I'd never do that infact how could i even possibly think of doing that. Why did I think it'd work out.
I love Jin.
I will forever only love him.

The sun rose with the mist of morning dew and the positivity of a new day in the air.

As the first light of dawn seeps through the curtains, Namjoon's eyes flutter open. He turns his head to find Jungkook peacefully sleeping beside him, a small smile on his lips. Namjoon's heart aches with conflicting emotions, torn between his loyalty to Jin's memory and his growing fondness for Jungkook.

Namjoon carefully extricates himself from the bed, trying not to disturb Jungkook. He tiptoes out of the room, seeking solace in the quiet of the morning.

Meanwhile, Jungkook wakes up,does his morning routine.Noticing Namjoon's absence,he follows the path to the kitchen to make breakfast and sees Namjoon standing, leaning his back on the counter a coffee mug in his hand,lost in thoughts and zoned out.

"Namjoon, are you okay?"
Jungkook says softly, breaking the silence.
Namjoon startles, his eyes searching Jungkook's face for answers.

"Yeah I'm good uh I'll be upstairs getting ready if you need anything."

He says as he swiftly leaves his mug in the sink and heads upstairs.

Namjoon's thoughts as he gets ready (AGAIN, BRO'S THINKING TOO MUCH)-

How can I move on without feeling guilty? Jin was my everything, and now I'm here, trying to build something new with Jungkook. But every smile from Jungkook feels like a betrayal to Jin's memory. Can I ever truly love again without feeling like I'm betraying the past?
"I made us a simple Korean breakfast today. Let's enjoy the flavors and start our day on a delicious note, joonie"

Is what interrupts namjoon's train of thoughts as he's walking down the stairs with a stoic expression.

"I probably am not hungry I'll eat at the office if I feel like"

Namjoon said

Jungkook watches Namjoon going near the fridge to grab some water , his heart heavy with concern.

"A bite won't make you fat you dumb muscle monster i made it only for a compliment from you all those YouTube tutorials in vain"

Jungkook pouted and whispered to himself,well atleast thats what he thought because yes namjoon did hear that.

"Just pack it up for lunch"

Namjoon said trying to look as unbothered as possible.

Jungkook screamed with joy sparkles in his eyes.

Namjoon stood there not moving a muscle just holding his hand out and Jungkook was quick enough to give him his lubnch that he had packed.

[I'm sorry but I'm gonna put time skips because if not I'll have to post like a couple of more chapters.]

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